The Pineapple

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This is going to be horridly confusing. Hence the title of the book. Again, comment, vote, tell your friends, tell your wife tell your kids tell your brother tell your dog, tell Obama. 



Philip was a pineapple. 

Phillip liked to dance. 

Phillip liked to tango. 

But no one wanted to tango with him because he's a pineapple.

I mean, who likes pineapples? 

They're so acidic. 

I'd bet you if you asked someone on the street what their favorite fruit is

They wouldn't say pineapple. 

I've asked people what their favorite fruit is.

I have not yet heard pineapple. 

And if you have a cut in your mouth

And you eat a pineapple

You're just screwed. 

So the upside of being a pineapple for Phillip

Was that nobody wanted to eat him. 

Nobody wanted to rape him. 

Nobody wanted to grab him and throw him in a child molester van

Because he was so damn spiky. 

But he had no friends. 

Sucks for Phillip. 

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