Final encounter.

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Ithilwen's POV

At first all I saw was darkness. This was becoming a regular thing and it was not fun at all. That's when I felt his presence once more.

"Not today, I am not in the mood. Go bother someone else." He spins me around, forcing me to face him.

"You will join me or they will die. As we speak they stand before the gates of Mordor, they mean nothing to me." My eyes widen. I knew they would distract him but to actually go to Mordor is suicide.

Looking up at his helm covered face I smirk, "I don't think so. But I want to challenge you Sauron. To a fight to the death. Right here, right now. Winner walks away freely."

He is silent for a minute before he nods. Backing away I suddenly realize I am weaponless. I really didn't think this through properly.

"I'm going to enjoy torturing you precious Elf." That was it! He just crossed a line never to be crossed. My eyes turn blood red, but for once, my rational side does not leave. All parts of me agree with the events that are to happen.




Sauron pulls out a black sword and is first to charge. Not having seen this he manages to slice my arm. I cry out in pain. My body temperature flairs as I brightly glow red.

Eowyn's POV

Faramir, the handsome man I had seen early, and myself had been engaged in conversation when a scream was heard coming from the healing chambers.

"Ithilwen!" I whisper to him as I grab his hand and run to the hall of healing.

My eyes widen when I see Ithilwen glowing red as her unconscious body floats a few inches of the bed.

As we make it to the room as wound appears on her arm. I gasp, it is a sword cut.

But how, there is no one else around.

The red glow intensifies to a point where Faramir and I must shield our eyes.

What on Middle-Earth is happen to her?

Ithilwen's POV

Raising my hand flames erupt around Sauron. He laughs as he swipes at the flames before stepping through them.

"Remember my love. I am only a figment of the imagination. You cannot hurt me," he says as suddenly a blade is thrust through my chest, "but I can hurt you." he hisses from behind me.

He hadn't even moved, how was this possible?

My body began to grow cold as he removed the blade and pushed me to the floor. But I wasn't going to die in my dream world.

No at that moment he leans over me and hisses mercilessly, "now it is time to wake up."

Eowyn's POV

The red light dies down to nothing and we uncover our eyes. I scream at what we are welcomed with.

Ithilwen drops to the bed, a massive hole in her chest as blood pours from her wound.

Wasting no time I run to her. Grabbing a wash cloth to try and prevent the bleeding. Her eyes shot open as I press the cloth to her chest. She grabs my wrist weakly.

"Eowyn, stop..." her voice is no more than a whisper as a small trickle of blood runs down her chin.

Tears form in my eyes as I shake my head, "let me help you, please," I beg and she smiles weakly.

"There is nothing you can do, little one. This is my time to go, I foresaw it the morning we left for war..." My eyes widened. She new this would happen?

"Please... Tell Lego-Legolas" she says slowly, her eyes are starting to droop as she fights to stay alive a little longer.

"I love him."

It was the last thing she managed to say before her eyes closed and her heart stopped.

Screaming at her, I beg her to wake up. To tell Legolas herself. ANYTHING! But she just lays there, a peaceful expression on her face as she ceases to live.

Warm arms wrap themselves around me and I cry. I cry for my lost uncle and now for Ithilwen.

Burying my head in Faramir's chest I sob until I can sob no more. It was a few minutes after my sobbing had ceased when I looked to Ithilwen again. She was glowing. She was glowing white as her body began to fade.

I watched as my friend faded into nothing, no sign that she had ever existed except for the aching in my chest at her death.


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