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Frodo's POV
We finally reached Bree, mind you we were all now completely soaked to the bone. Poor Ithilwen, we had no cloaks in The Shire that were long enough for her so she was stuck in the odd clothes she came in which fully exposed most of her arms. 

I looked at her to oddly enough not find her shivering. She didn't even look cold. She looked almost... peaceful? How could one feel peaceful in the pouring rain? I shook my head of those thoughts, I would have to ask her later. 

Looking at the wooden door I knocked and waited. When the door opened we were met with a rather glum looking man. "Hobbits? We don't get to many Hobbits around here, what be your need in Bree?" the man asked. 

"We come to seek shelter from the rain, our business is our own" I reply rather urgently. 

"Okay, okay, no need to get defensive. Its my job to ask questions, especially this hour of night, word has spread of strange folk wondering the woods." I looked to the man only to see him staring wide eyed at something behind me. 

Looking over my shoulder I spot Ithilwen. Coughing to get the mans attention he lets us pass and we make our way to the Prancing Pony.

Ithilwen's POV
After Frodo had spoken to the barmen I had split from the group. I wanted to find some dry clothes. Not believing any shops would be open at this hour, nor having any cash to purchase clothing I decided to ask the barmen. I think Sam told me Barliman Butterbur was his name. 

"Excuse me?" I ask loudly to be heard over the noise of drunken men. 

"Yes my dear, how may i be of assistance?" he asked. I was hopping he could help me. 

"I happen to be in need of a change of clothes, unfortunately I have no money." 

He looked thought full for a few seconds and I thought he was going to tell me to get lost or something. "I think I may have something, follow me"he replied as he walked down an empty corridor. 

He stepped into a room and I followed shortly, "you may take anything in here that is too your liking, don't worry it has all been cleaned, though i doubt you will find any clothes for women." I had to hold back my anger, I was obviously in a time very different from my own. 

"Thank you" I replied shortly with a nod of my head.

When he left I looked through everything until I finally found a pair of leggings and tunic that would fit me well enough. I smiled when I found a cloak and shoes as well.  Getting dressed I went find my dear little friends. 

Looking around I found Sam, Merry and Pippin all of which were in a panic. Oh no. I thought. Where's Frodo? "Sam!" I yelled over the crowd. 

"Ithilwen? Ithilwen! A man in a cloak took Frodo upstairs!" He screamed. 

As quick as a flash i ran up the stairs and listened carefully. "Are you afraid?" said a male voice in a door just off to the left. 

"Yes" came another which i instantly recognized as Frodo. 

"Good, you should be. I can hide myself well, but to make one's self disappear entirely now that is a rare feat." 

At that moment I put the hood of my cloak above my head and ran into the room, followed closely by Sam, Merry and Pippin. 

"Let him go or I'll have you Long Shanks" cried Sam as he held up his fist ready for a fight he would not win. I almost laughed when I saw Merry holding a candle-holder as a weapon. 

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