The Strength of Desire

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Half an hour later Lexa lay against the fur blankets of the bed, running her fingers across Clarke's damp sweat covered skin, as the younger woman curled into her embrace. "I love you." Clarke murmured, her voice quiet, her words hushed against Lexa's chest.

"I am weak for you." Lexa replied as she pressed a kiss to the crown of Clarke's head.


"Kiss me." Clarke demanded with a growl. Her hands rose to clasp the sides of Lexa's head. Her fingernails scratched across the other woman's scalp, tangled around the strands of her hair, and pulled her forwards. "Kiss me now."

"It is as you wish Clarke of the Sky." Lexa promised with a smirk straining the corners of the lips.

The dark haired woman lifted one hand to grip Clarke's jaw, tilting it upwards, and her mouth descended to cover Clarke's mouth. Their lips pressed together hard. Flesh brushed across flesh. Lexa's tongue probed the seam of Clarke's lips, pushed against the thin line, to invade the damp cavern of her mouth. Lexa's fingernails dug into Clarke's skin and scratched down the length of the woman's throat. Clarke's fingers clenched in Lexa's hair, tugged hard and bent her head backwards to latch her mouth against the curve of the woman's jaw. Clarke bit down hard, sucked until blood rose to the surface of Lexa's skin, staining it pink underneath her tongue.

"Claim me." Clarke whispered her breath ragged and hot against Lexa's face as she offered her throat to the other woman.

Lexa curled her arms around Clarke's body, her fingers sliding across the shirt that covered Clarke's back, to grasp her hips. "You belong to me Clarke." Lexa said as she bent her neck and buried her face in the woman's neck. Lexa's tongue slid across the sensitive throbbing pulse, her teeth scraping across the surface of Clarke's skin, while her mouth suckled softly. Lexa pressed rough kisses, nips and bites, against Clarke's skin. She marked the side of the woman's throat before shoving her backwards into the fur blanket covered bed.

Clarke's hair fanned out across the top of the bed in a golden halo. Her hands reached out to grasp the front of Lexa's corset, and she tugged hard to bring the Commander down onto the bed. Lexa's hands pressed into the soft fur beside Clarke's head, bracing her bodyweight above the other woman with her legs straddling Clarke's thighs.

"Claim me." Clarke repeated her voice a rough husk of desire and need as she wrapped her arms around Lexa's shoulders, pulling the woman down into an intense kiss.

Lexa shifted her bodyweight sideways to run one hand down across Clarke's chest. Her fingers dipped under the hem of the woman's shirt, rubbed across the faint lines of the muscles hidden underneath Clarke's flesh, before dragging the shirt upwards. "Sit up." Lexa ordered, tugging on the shirt to force Clarke to sit, before pulling the fabric over the woman's head.

Lexa's gaze shifted down across Clarke's body. She began with the curve of her collarbones before dipping down to the valley between her breasts. Lexa's eyes darted from the black fabric that clung to the swells of Clarke's breasts to admire the soft curve of the woman's stomach. "The Gods made you well Clarke of the Sky." Lexa commented, her voice breathless and thick with desire.

"Let's see what they did for you Heda Leksa." Clarke murmured in reply as she undid the straps of Lexa's corset.

The Commander's hands grasped the bottom of her loose shirt, tugging upwards to reveal the length of her body to Clarke's inquisitive blue eyes, dropping the fabric to the floor beside their bed. Clarke's eyes roamed across Lexa's torso – drifting from the numerous small scars that littered Lexa's shoulders to the defined muscles that fluttered in the woman's abdomen. Clarke lifted her hand, her fingers itching to press against Lexa's skin, to feel the heat of her flesh underneath her fingertips.

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