And Then There Was Four

Start from the beginning

 He was just about to say something when we hear a small voice yelling in the distance, "Hey you! Over hear! Come get us!" 

 Boromir and I share a look before running off in the direction of the yells. I swear when I catch those hobbits I'm going to kill them.

When we found them they were surrounded by Uruk-Hai. There small swords were swinging in all directions trying to keep the enemies back. Boromir and I rushed to there sides, slashing Uruk-Hai's as we went. 

 "What on Middle-Earth were you two thinking!" I yell as I stab an Uruk-Hai who was about to cut my head off. 

 "We were helping a friend!" Pippin replied, a look of scared determination of his small innocent face. 

Smiling to myself I continue to cut and stab Uruk-Hai's. I never noticed the leader notching an arrow to his bow and pointing it in my direction. Not until I was being pushed to the ground. Looking up I felt my eyes start to water as I saw Boromir looking down at an arrow shaft that was sticking out of his chest. 

 He looked towards me before charging off again, fighting harder to protect the Hobbits and myself. I was frozen, he had taken an arrow for me. I should be dead!

TWANG. Looking up I cried out as another arrow pierced Boromir, yet he continued to fight. Than another arrow hit him and he fell. I rushed to his side as Merry and Pippin charged at the Uruk-Hai. But they were no match. 

 They were lifted and carried away. My heart was torn between chasing them and staying with my fallen friend. Having no time to decide as an arrow pierced my arm, I screamed loudly before facing the Uruk-Hai. 

 He has a sick, twisted smile on his face as he notched another arrow this time aiming at Boromir's head. 'No way!' I thought, 'Not over my dead body!' 

Getting up I ran at the beast and tackled him as best I could. He recovered quickly and I was flung into a tree. 

 The last thing I saw before I blacked out was Aragorn tackling the leader as he went to finish off Boromir.

Aragorn's POV

I was too late. Boromir and Ithilwen had been injured and Merry and Pippin were nowhere to be found. When I arrived I saw the leader of the Uruk-Hai aiming an arrow at Boromir's head. He was kneeling with 3 arrows sticking out of his chest. 

 Ithilwen was unconscious by a mighty tree. Running towards the foul creature I tackled him. Quickly recovering I grabbed my sword and started slicing. 

 Stabbing the Uruk-Hai seemed to do nothing, all it did was move closer to me, further impaling itself on my blade.  Thinking fast I removed the sword from its flesh and sliced it's head clean off.

Legolas and Gimli soon appeared and I motioned towards Ithilwen as I made my way towards Boromir who was now laying on the ground. His horn laid at his feet, cloven in two. 

 "They took the little ones" he coughed, his voice sounded weak and hoarse. I try to staunch the flow of blood to no avail. "Where's Frodo?" 

"I let Frodo go," I reply quietly, Boromir holds my gaze his eyes filled with pain. 

 "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the ring from him." 

Sighing I look back in the direction I had last seen Frodo, "The ring is beyond our reach now." 

" Forgive me, I did not see..I have failed you all." He sounded so sad and I snapped my head in his direction looking into his dimming eyes. 

"No, Boromir. You fought bravely. Ithilwen could not of fought off all those foul creatures and lived had you not been there to help. You have kept your honor." 

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