Chapter 5:Hanging with mate

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Jason's POV

It's been a couple of days and I barely see Kaitlyn anymore because of my alpha duties, and all that stuff, but I'm on my way back to our house right now, and when I get there I hear crying, I ran upstairs, and Kaitlyn's vanilla scent gets stronger and I praitcily ran, up the stairs and to our room, and she was right there on the floor, What's going on?

'Mates hurting.' my wolf said

'I know that.' I said to my wolf

I walked over to Kaitlyn and kneeled in front of her, she didn't move one bit, I am starting to worry about her now "Kaitlyn what's wrong?" I whispered, she looked at me, and held her arms out for me, and I pulled her into my embrace rubbing her back, trying to calm her down, "It hurts" Kaitlyn whispered.

"What hurts?" I said softly, starting to worry about her.

"My side's and my legs." I pick her up, wrap her legs around my waist and take her to the bathroom, and start the bath water, I took off her sweater, jeans, shoes, socks and her tank top, leaving her in her bra and underwear, she tried to cover her stomach with her arms, but I moved them away from there, she had patched up her rib cage, I look up at her to see her looking away from me and I could tell that now, wasn't the time to ask about it.

I pick her up leaving her in her bra and underwear and put her in the tub, I grab some of her body wash and start rubbing it on her body, I rinsed it off, I stared at her face, I don't like my mate crying, I got her hair wet and put in her shampoo, once I was done with that I got up and said "I'll be right back."

I went into our closet and looked around, I grabbed a black bra, black underwear, leggings, a tank top and one of my sweaters the smallest one I could find, which wasn't very small since I'm a very tall person standing at 6'6, I walked back into the bathroom, and she was playing with the bubbles, her blue eyes filled with innocents, I set her clothes down and sat on the floor, right next to the tub, she noticed me and I smiled and said "Don't mind me, I'm just watching my beautiful mate have fun." she blushed and looked away.

"It's cold, can I get out now?" She whispered.

"Yes you can." I grabbed a blue fluffy towel and handed it to her, and rubbed her back, I walked out of the bathroom and, I am now waiting for, her to come out and when she did she kept her gaze down towards the floor, I asked, "Can we go for a walk?" I smiled, then I noticed that she Is human so I would have to stay in my human form, eah that's fine.

"Yep." and with that I took her hand in mine and we walked into the forest.

As we walked in the forest I heard Kaitlyn humming something, I wasn't sure what but, it's fine I like how happy she was.

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