Chapter 2:He lied to me

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Jason POV

I woke up with Kaitlyn snuggled into me, her fragile body feels so nice to have right next to mine, she looked so peaceful  sleeping, I smiled and held her tighter, she started mumbling things in her sleep, things that I couldn't make out, her heart starting beating faster, I felt my shirt dampen, and I shook her a little trying to wake her up.

"Kaitlyn, wake up." I whispered softly,

"Wake up." I repeated, I then saw her eyes start to open, telling me that she was waking up.

"W-what?" She whispers softly, not noticing that I was, still holding her, but when she did, she moved away, and laid in the corner shaking of fear, I wish I could just read her thoughts, I don't want her to be afraid of me.

"Kaitlyn? What's wrong?" I said as softly as I could, she just shrug and pulled her knees up to her chest, she was still shaking, What's wrong?

'Our mate's hurting' my wolf said


'I don't know'

'Could it be something from her old pack?'

'Could be.'

'what do you think they did?'

'I don't know but,' my wolf paused 'Let me talk to her.'

'What?! No are you nuts?! You'll lose it!!'

'Just let me try!'


'No, I'm gonna try.' and now my wolf and I were fighting over who would do what but I just gave up and let him.

"Kaitlyn?" My wolf whispered, his voice rough,"Your okay, your with me, your safe I promise." I could see what was happening, Kaitlyn stayed still, in the same position,

'Don't push her to far!' I said to my wolf but he ignored me.

"Kaitlyn?" My wolf said, still trying to talk to her, he started moving towards her once he was right next to her, he pulled her into his chest and rocked her back and forth a little trying to calm her down, I was surprised at how calm he was, but her heart didn't stop beating fast, in fact I think she winced when he squeezed her a little,

'Our mate's hurt I think.' My wolf said to me

'What do you think happened, you know other then her old alpha abusing her and all that bull, I should've killed him, if he did anything to her, hell I should have killed him in the first place' I said to my wolf

'Hopefully we'll find out soon'

'Okay, so um can I talk to Kaitlyn now?'


I looked at Kaitlyn who was still pressed up against my chest, she whimpered, and I loosened my grip on her, "Kaitlyn what happened at your old house?"

"Please don't make m-me talk about it right now." She said, her voice cracking a little, made me kinda sad, because she was crying, and I don't like see my mate cry, I wish I knew how to comfort her

"Okay you don't have to." I said trying to make her smile,

'Dude, kiss her!' My wolf said,


'You heard me kiss her!'

'But I don't want to push her, she-'

'Do It!'


'You love her right?'



I blocked my wolf out, as badly as I wanted to kiss her, I cant do that her we just met, plus she barely knows me and I don't want to scare her away.

I looked back at the shaking Kaitlyn to see her, trying to get out of my grip it was really starting to upset me.

"Where's the bathroom?" She whispered softly, I looked at her for a few minutes and said, "Over there, do you need me to start the shower or  bath for you?"

"No thank you."

"It's fine." I got up and went into the bathroom, and turned on the bath water, she walked in and looked at me, "Do you like warm, hot or cold water?" I asked her she replied with a shrug,

"I will be right back I'm gonna go get you some clothes to wear when your done,"

I grabbed a blue bra, blue undies, black tank top, gray sweater and a pair of leggings for her, when I walked back into the bathroom, she had gotten into the tub and stared put her hair in a messy bun, I smiled at her and sat on the floor next to the tub, she looked at me confused, and whispered/stuttered "W-what are y-you d-doing?"

"Nothing Kaitlyn." I paused, "You can use my shampoo if you want, we'll go shopping to get you stuff tomorrow"

"Y-you don't have to get me anything it's fine." She whispered,

"Nope, I'm getting you clothes, shampoo body wash, shoes and I don't know what else," I smiled cheekily,

Kaitlyn's Pov

I moved away from Jason, and pulled my knees up to my chest, thinking about that memory, dreaming about that memory scared me,

 no matter what I will never feel safe, it scares, I will never have a normal life, I will never even feel love, because no one loves me, not even Jason it's just the stupid mate bond, once he finds out I'm human, he'll reject me, and that's fine I'm used to feeling rejected, hurt, worthless, and stupid, I will  always be rejected and hurt, and that's fricking fine,

My vision blurried, from the tears, and I suddenly felt, Jason pull me into him, I looked up at him and eyes eye's are pitch black, and I heard him say "Kaitlyn?" Roughly, he started talking to me saying everything fine I'm safe with him, and stuff like that, well I'm not!

You'll reject me once you find out!

"Where's the bathroom?" I whispered

"Do you need me to start the shower or bath water for you," Jason said,

Jason stayed in there with me and when I wanted to get out he handed me a towel and turned around, I had washed my hair with his shampoo, and I smell like him now, I put on what he picked out for me, he turned towards me when I whispered, "I'm done."

He pulled me into his embrace I felt safe, but I was still scared, I felt my heart rate at the thought of him rejecting me like it had earlier when I thought about it, "Kaitlyn? Are you okay?"

"Y-yea." I whispered/stuttered, he picked me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck, he took me back to our bedroom, and laid me down on the bed, and got in next to me.

"Please tell me what's wrong." Jason said softly,

"Do you know?" I whispered.

"Know what?"

"That I'm human?"

"Yep." He said popping the p.

"And your okay with it?"

"Yes of course I am, just because your human, doesn't mean that I don't love you."

"O-okay." I felt my heart beat faster when I heard love you, he can't love me, this must be some kind of sick joke

Someone knocked on the door, and opened, "Hey baby." A girl with blonde hair, green eyes and had everything that I don't had walked in, "Are you busy tonight cause if not, let get it on again." She said, my heart broke, I was lied to, I got up and walked out of the room, tears once again, dripping down my face, I ran out of the house and into the forest, I need some pace away from everything and everyone.

Once I got to a tree I sat down and laid my back on it, I pulled out my notebook and starting writing another sad, and depressing poem.

(A/n It's probably really bad I'm sorry.)

No love,

always hatred,

I'm running, running away from a place called home,

but what's a home if it doesn't feel like one?

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