Chapter 21 - June / 1970 - Mary Austin / World Cup / Blue hairs.

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POV Yasmin.

After the celebration of ten years of friendship with Rog the month of May passed quickly. Rog went back to the doctor doing blood tests. The results of blood tests found that anemia was decreasing, he would still have to take iron pills by the end of July and the level of stress in your body was gone. I continued taking care of their food, inspecting it and without exaggerating in cigarettes and alcohol at least that period.

During the month of May Bri, Rog and Freddie auditioned with some bassists and did not work, but they continue rehearsing with Tim and composing more songs.

In the same period Freddie and Rog set up a small business together, they set up a vintage clothing store in Kensington Market. Freddie took Store account all day Monday through Friday. He had graduated from college, then I had full time to devote to sales in the store. Roger continued to study Biology, doing well in college and training at school and on Saturdays helped Freddie during the day at the clothing store.

Early June came in full force. World Cup season. The City of London is decked. I love football, especially when it comes to the World Cup. I circulate freely through college, often on stage in the newspaper and the London streets with the shirt of the Brazilian selection of the year 1962 when Brazil won the bi world championship. And I was sure would win the Tri championship this year. I wanted everyone to know that I am a Brazilian lost in London and is still rooting for Brazil. Today is Saturday, June 6. The national team debut against Czechoslovakia on day three and won by 4-1, Tomorrow the Brazilian national team will play against England.

Just imagine? All will watch the game tomorrow in the apartment I share with Layla and Vick. I do not know how it will be, I only Brazilian in the middle of so many Britons.

I went into the Kensington market. I had lunch. I was now taking lunch Freddie and Roger. Every Saturday had lunch and took them both.

- Good afternoon my dears. - Smiles kissing the face of Freddie and Roger.

- Good afternoon dear friend. - Freddie smiled kissing my face.

- Good afternoon princess. - Rog smiled hugging me and kissing my face.

- I hope you enjoy lunch. - I said taking a large silverware basket, tapoer with rice, salad, roast chicken with potatoes and orange juice with carrot and beet.

- I'm sure it is excellent, my pretty. - Said Roger picking up your food.

- I'm starving. - Freddie said. - Yasmin my dear, Mary can go with me tomorrow to his apartment watching the game between Brazil and England?

- Of course, Freddie. - I smile. - Mary and I are becoming great friends. She is welcome.

Freddie is dating Mary a month ago.

They met about six months ago because Freddie and Bri already watched the store. Brian was enchanted with her too, even he left her a few times, but failed. But in May, when Roger and Freddie opened a vintage clothing store in Kensington around the local market has become larger.

Mary Austin is one of the Public Relations of the famous Biba clothing store here in London.

Young people flock to the store, which is decorated with ferns and painted with exotic colors, has a vintage style with large benches to choose clothes. Although most products are geared toward women, men are also shirts, pajamas, among other things. Biba is who dictates fashion in London for young people. The most famous customers of the store is my beautiful Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger.

On a Saturday in May and Freddie Rog were on the third floor of the store where is the men's fashion department, to see the fashion trend or buy '' boutique '' clothes on sale to resell here in Kensington.

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