The One With Feelings

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Joey makes my ovaries explode. 😍😍

Sorry it took so long to upload. If you read my authors note at the end of the chapter, I'll explain it to you. ☺️

Thanks and enjoy!

Joey's POV:

I rolled around in my bed, trying to get comfortable. But I just couldn't. I couldn't stop thinking about Naomi, about her smile, her hair...the kiss. It's been a whole day since I've seen her.  I didn't want to seem desperate.

I checked the time, seeing it was 12:15 am, and decided to go for a walk. I pulled on my oversized sweater, my sweatpants and a beanie, and tiptoed outside, so I wouldn't wake Chandler.

I walked out of the apartment building, the cold air whipping against my skin. I didn't mind the cold, though. It cleared my mind.

I shoved my hands into my pockets, ducking my head as I walked around the block. I could really go for some food... I thought to myself. But what restaurant would be open at this time...

I turn my head, seeing the Golden Arches, and a smile immediately lights up my face. Heaven. So I walked to the nearest McDonald's. I stood in front of the cash register, waiting for an employee to take my order. I order an ice cream cone and fries, and give them three dollars, getting some change back.

I walk to a booth in the back, sliding into the seat and spreading out my food in front of me.

I dipped my fry into my ice cream, moaning in satisfaction at the taste. Just what I needed. Yeah, I know. A weird combination. But you won't like it unless you give it a try. And trust me, it's worth the try.

I decided to walk home after I finished my food, since there wasn't anything left to do. I trudged up the stairs and reached into my pocket, opening the door. I rubbed my hands over my face, exhaustion hitting me.

"Joey?" A voice rings through the dark, and I jump in surprise, screaming. The light flicks on and I squint against the sudden brightness, seeing Chandler in front of me with his hair tousled and his robe wrapped around him.

"God, Chandler, I almost shit myself!" I exclaimed, placing my hand over my heart and bending over.

"Well, so did I, when I thought someone was robbing our apartment!" Chandler threw his hands in the air.

I sighed, pulling out the stool by the table and sitting down.

"Something bugging you?" Chandler asks, sitting down next to me. I take a deep breath, trying to pull myself together.

"I'm confused, Chandler," I admit in a tired voice. "Usually when I meet a girl, I take her on a date, bring her home, have sex with her, and then forget about her. No feelings attached."

"And now..?" Chandler presses me to go on, knowing where this is going.

"Now, I can't stop thinking about her. I don't want to take advantage of her, and I dropped her off at her door. I'm developing...feelings." My face scrunches as I explain myself. I'm sure Chandler is going to make some smart ass comment on how big of a baby I am, but he doesn't.

"So, you don't want to have these feelings?" Chandler asks, setting his cheek in his palm. Obviously, we're both exhausted, but I can tell neither of us are going to bed until we get this discussion out of the way.

"I don't know," I huff, running my fingers through my hair. "These feelings are new to me. I don't know what to do."

"Have you considered her feelings?" Chandler asks, grabbing my attention. I sit up straighter and knit my eyebrows together in confusion. "Maybe she's just as confused as you. Maybe this is new to her, too...All I'm saying, Joe, is that girls like her don't come around everyday. And if you let these feelings in, it might not be as bad as you think."

"Wait, did you talk to her?" I ask, interested. What could they have talked about? I mean, I don't mind that they talk and are friends, I'm just unaware of this event.

"Well, yeah, I talked to her. Mon and I were going to hang out, but she had a date, so Naomi and I hung out for a few hours."

"Did about me?"

"Maybe you should be asking her that question, and not me."

"When did you become so wise?" I joke, and Chandler gently punches my arm. We laugh tiredly, until the laughs become yawns.

"I think I'm gonna hit the hay," Chandler stretches, standing up. I check the time, and see it's now 2:15am.

"I think that's a good idea," I nod, rubbing my eyes and making my way to my room.

"Joey?" Chandler calls, just before entering his door. I look at him, waiting for him to continue.

"Don't let her go before you get her." Chandler gives me a sincere look, and I nod. He flicks off the lights, and I'm left in darkness as I crawl into my bed.

"I won't."


Okay, here's my explanation as to why I haven't uploaded recently.

There have been some harsh comments about me not updating quick enough and that the chapters aren't long enough/good enough. I know that's not all of you, and I appreciate those of you who are kind to me and comment nicely. ☺️

Despite some of your opinions, I do have a life. 😅 And it's really hard for me to upload a lot when I have school going on and other personal problems.

I love this book, I do. Friends is a show that's brought me joy. But it's hard for me to get inspiration when some people put me down.

I'm trying guys. Hang tight. 😋

Xoxo, Alli

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