The One With The Writer

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Joey and Naomi arrived at Central Park a half hour later. Naomi looked out of the window, fascinated by the scene of New York. Joey noticed her excitement, a small smirk forming on his lips. Naomi didn't care if she looked like a child going to DisneyWorld for the first time, she was enjoying it.

Joey pulled into a small lot, parking the car. He got out quickly to get to Naomi's side and open the door for her. He was a mama's boy, and was taught to be polite. Naomi gave him a smile of gratitude, stepping out of the car and looking around. The air was filled with excitement and chaos, and she instantly knew she made the right choice.

Joey lightly grabbed her arm as the crossed the street, bundled in their winter clothes. He lead her down the street, not telling Naomi where they were headed. Little did she know that she was about to meet Joey's chaotic friends, whom he's known for a long time, and Naomi was about to know for a long time, too.

"So, what's a young girl like you driving to New York for? You obviously aren't from around here." Joey states, noticing how careless she was walking in the streets of Central Park. He had to watch out for almost every pedestrian they crossed so that she wouldn't run into them.

"Oh, I'm just out of college. I'm working to be a writer...Came here for inspiration, and to get away from my family." Naomi says, tucking her hair behind her ears. She shivered, cold from the New York winter weather. Joey saw her shiver and wrapped an arm around her in attempt to keep her warm.

To Naomi's luck, just around the corner was Central Perk, the coffee shop where Joey and his friends met up at almost every day. Joey gently lead Naomi into the coffee shop, opening the door for her.

Naomi looked around the quaint coffee shop. The walls were a nice yellow, and couches and chairs were set in the middle of the area. It was warm and cozy, making her spirits lift. Joey helped her take off her winter layers, hanging them on the rack for her.

"Joey!" A group of five women and men surrounded Joey in a giant group hug, with Naomi in the middle. They hadn't noticed her yet, but they soon would.

"Who'd you pick up on the road, Joey?" Chandler, Joey's best friend and roommate, asked with a smirk. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes, and he was always trying to make a joke out of the situation.

"Chan, be nice." Monica, a woman with short black hair and blue eyes, elbowed Chandler in the ribs.

"Guys, give her some room!" Ross, Monica's brother, shouted, trying to pull back his friends from the poor girl sitting smack in the middle of the commotion. He had dark hair, slicked with a lot of gel, and dark eyes.

"Ooh, let me see!" Phoebe, a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, pushed through her friends to catch a glimpse of Naomi.

"Phoebs, she's not a goat at the petting zoo." Rachel, a girl with brown hair, said gently, helping Ross pull everyone back. She had short brown hair and blue eyes.

Eventually, everyone calmed down, moving to the couch and chair area. Ross sat in the chair with Rachel on his lap, Monica and Chandler sat next to each other on the couch, Phoebe sat on a chair, and Joey and Naomi sat next to each other on the couch.

"Guys, this is Naomi," Joey introduced her, and Naomi gave a small wave as they all gave enthusiastic hellos.

"So how'd you end up here with Joey?" Phoebe asked, sitting up in her chair, ready for the story. Phoebe always loved a good story.

"Oh, well, I wanted to come to New York to become a writer, to get inspiration. But then my car broke down, and Joey found me." Naomi smiled and all the friends nodded their heads.

Joey introduced all of them to Naomi, and they all treated her kindly. "Would you like some coffee?" Rachel asked, being a waitress at the coffee shop.

"Oh, yes, please." Naomi smiled at Rachel and Rachel nodded, going to get her a cup.

"So, where are you going to stay?" Monica asked, sipping on her own coffee. Naomi noticed how Chandler and Monica sat so close to each other, almost cuddling.

"Oh, I haven't thought of that..." Naomi looked down, ashamed. She should've thought it out better, but she was just the living in the moment type of person.

"Oh, well, if you want, you could sleep on the pull out couch in Rachel and my apartment until you get on your feet." Monica offered, smiling at Naomi.

"Oh, really? That would be wonderful! Thank you so much." Naomi said, gratefully, and Monica reached over to squeeze her shoulder.

As it started to get late, they decided to head back to their apartments to get things ready for Naomi. They all got up, saying goodbye to Phoebe, as she lived in a different apartment than them. Naomi noticed Joey walking by her side up the stairs to their apartment.

"Joey," Naomi said, getting his attention. "You don't have to walk me to the apartment..."

"Oh, Chandler and I live right across the hall from you, Monica, and Rach." Joey said, smiling, and Naomi sighed, relieved. She was glad she could always just go across the hall to talk to Joey.

They reached their apartments, and Chandler patted her back, saying it was nice to meet her, and she said it was nice to meet him, too. Joey leaned in and hugged Naomi tightly. "Stay safe, Naomi." Joey squeezed her one last time, letting her go, and Naomi nodded.

Monica unlocked their apartment door and the three girls walked in. They helped Naomi with her bags and pulled out the couch bed for her. "When you're ready to go to bed, just turn off the lights. Have a good night, Naomi." Monica and Rachel said to Naomi, and she smiled at them, gratefully. Before going to bed, she wrote everything that had happened today in her diary. She always wanted to remember this day. And she always would.

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