I was on the couch watching a movie with my wife. I've been on edge all night. This isn't a time to be at home chilling. I felt like something terrible has happened. So, I tried to call Sam. It went straight to voicemail. I tried her friends and they were the same. My gut was not feeling well about this.

"Hey baby have you heard from Sam?" I said as I sat up. "Not since she left, hmmm that's strange." She sat up as well and I called chief. "Hey chief sorry to bother you but by chance have you heard from the kids?" Maybe I'm being paranoid, before he could speak I continued to talk.

"Though, tonight they were supposed to be revealing the man who was threatening but we have agents snooping around the school so if anything happened I would know right?" I said as my rambling came to an end. I was about to keep talking but he cut me off.

"Well you beat me to it because I was just about to call you. Apparently there was a fight between Sam and the guy, uh ask the kids took part in it.  One died. Hunter hadn't woken up yet and, uhh well Marcus. Sam's been shot. I'm on way to the hospital now."

I hunt up after he told me what hospital it was. I stood frozen with my wife staring at me worriedly. "Hunky what's wrong? Is it Sam? " She said as she slipped on her sneakers. I pulled on mines and grabbed my car keys.

"Marcus what is it!" She yelled as she grabbed her jacket. "Sam's been shot." Tears welled up in her eyes as she gasped. "Marlon!" She shouted as she went to his room. He was locked up in there because he wanted to go with Sam. But he graduated two years ago.

I got in the car and waited for my wife to hurry. I honked the horn and they both came rushing out. Marlon looked pissed mixed with sadness. They both got into the car and I sped off. Normally when someone is in a hurry there will be traffic. And yes there was traffic. I swerved and maneuvered around many trucks and cars as I made my way to the hospital.

"Oh Samantha." My wife sighed as she whined. I put my hand on her leg and kept driving after her hand rested on top of mines.

Marlon P.O.V.

I sat in the backseat trying my best not to cry. That's my little sister man, my only sister. I can't bare to lose her. Second time In one week!? To think about it, the rest of them could be just as injured as she is or worse. We pulled up and my dad failed to park right. We hopped out and headed towards the receptionist.

"Oh my, Thunder!?" She giggled and wailed as she stood up. " I see my sister please?" I asked as I stepped back. The desk was blocking us but she didn't let that fail her from trying to hug me. "What's her name?" She said as she noticed my red face. "Samantha Thorne ." My mom cut in glaring at the lady.

"Room 163, Umm can I get a picture or autograph? " I nodded and she pulled her shirt down at the ends. I grabbed my mom's hand and we left the woman standing there.

"160..... 161.... 162 ah! 163." I stood frozen outside the doorway as they entered the room. My mom instantly bursted into tears and my dad had his hand over his chest. I slowly entered and saw her condition.

Her dress was replaced with a hospital gown. Her hair was in a birds nest above her head and he had a thick bandage on her left shoulder. Her dress was folded in the corner on a chair along with her tank top. Her tank was no longer white it was crimson red. She had cords hooked up to her all over her body.

The heart monitor was beeping slowly. I was standing on the side of the bed, holding her fragile hand. I kneeled to the floor and kissed it. Neither of us said a word. My mom was on the other side of the bed doing the same but in a chair instead.

The doctor came in and closed the door silently. "Hello, I'm doctor Marvel. Umm I can see your wondering what happened and why. I've been hearing quite a bit about it and I've gotten the full story just not from her point of view. Anyways Umm I'm not going to beat around the bush with this. But uh, she might not make it. She lost a lot of blood and by the looks of it. She was shot quite a few minutes before they reached her. But we would keep an eye out on her. She's hanging on by a thread." He said as he looked in all of our eyes.

I fell to the floor and cried. I cried hard. I've never dried this much. This is my only sibling and the person I tell everything to! She beats up everybody for me! I can't lose her man! My mom was wailing and bawling her eyes out. Dad on the other hand was being strong.

Sam please pull through.

Justin P.O.V.

(When Hunter and Sebastian kicked him out)

I stood up from the ground as Hunter's car drove away. I picked up the tissues that he threw at me and put them up to my nose. He hit me pretty badly so my face was starting to swell already.

I was gonna go home and just chill for the night. I could go to the dance because it's only two blocks from here, but I've been beat up and my nose is bleeding. So I walked to a gas station, it took about 20 minutes to get there. I walked in and bought a tiny bag of ice and some snacks for my walk. I went back outside and got on the road as I walked back home. I should call a cab but I don't have enough money for a cab fee.

I stopped at Wendy's and went inside. "Are you okay hun? Looks like that ice bag isn't doing any help." The middle aged woman said as I reached the counter. My nose was no longer bleeding. "Fine and can I get a whopper combo with a sprite?" I paid her and sat on the counter. "Do you mind?" She said as she pointed to the counter. I shook my head and waited.

"Here." She said after 5 minutes. I went to a both and ate my food thinking of Alex. I owe her tons of apologies. I've been trying to change my ways but I'm not quite there and I don't take rejection to well yet. I got up after about 30 minutes of silence and thinking. I deserved what they did to me. That's somebody they look after. I get that.

After I started to walk home again I checked my social media. A girl named Rebecca uploaded a video of the dance. It looked like she was hiding the fact that she war recording. I looked closely and it looked like Samantha was standings a few feet from a tall familiar looking guy pointing a gun at him.

Wait what !?

She didn't have on the dress she had on, on her snapchat. Just a tank and shorts. The man snatched a girl from the crowd and put a gun to her head.  That girl was my ex, Rachael. He started counting down and the phone shifted so saw his face perfectly. Mr. Kingston? Samantha tried to shoot her gun but it only clicked. The gun Mr. Kingston had rang and he let Rachael fall to the floor. Everyone screamed.

Omg! What the hell is going on!?

They were talking and she threw her large gun to his face. I watched the video while I walked home. After it was done, I stood frozen. I had so many questions. Though, seeing people get shot wasn't something you'd like to see. Everyone was covering themselves throughout the video... I feel horrible, I just kinds hope Samantha is okay, we didn't get along but that doesn't mean I actually want her to die. She was a life saver if I do say so myself.

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