Past The Point Of No Return

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Christine and I stared at each other and I could tell Christine was scared for hers and my safety.

Christine and I stood up and Christine reached over and gave me a big hug.

"Please be safe and remember I love you sister," I heard her whispered in my ear.

"I love you too," I whispered back to her.

After Christine reluctantly let me go and followed Meg out of the room, I turned to look back at the mirror and sighed. Well, I guess it's now or never. I really did feel like I was going to burst into tears. God, if you can hear me, I am begging you. Please be with me and protect me. I am scared right now and I don't know what to do.

After five minutes passed, Madame Giry knocked on my door and she led me backstage to get ready for the opening number to Erik's Opera. I started to shake when I saw Reyer instructed the musicians to begin the opening number to the opera. As the musicians started to play their instruments, the curtains opened up the stage. The set for the opera was a gypsy theme, filled with black and red cloths and cardboards were cut out and painted to look like fire. The actors in the opening number, including Carlotta, walked or rushed on stage. Their costumes were supposed to be in Spanish attire, like flamenco dancers.

"Here the sire may serve the dam; here the master takes his meat. Here the sacrificial lamb utters one despairing bleat," sang the chorus members as they started to move around the stage.

"Poor young maiden for the thrill on your tongue of stolen sweets, you will have to pay the bill tangled in the winding sheets," sang out Carlotta. The only problem was that she was trying to sing higher and louder than the other actors.

"Serve the meal and serve the maid," sang the chorus members.

Carlotta repeated the chorus by sing out loud, "Serve the meal and serve the maid."

The audience members' cringed at either Carlotta's singing or the way Erik's opera was portrayed. The chorus members and Carlotta continued to sing. "Serve the master so that when tables plans and maid are laid. Don Juan Triumphs once again!"

The chorus pointed to the center of the stage and the red and black curtains opened up. Out came Piangi as Don Juan and Meg as a prostitute. You can see barely behind the red and a black curtain was a bed. Piangi tossed to Meg a bag filled with coins. She caught the bag and smiled to the audience. Christine entered stage right skipping and twirling on stage. She turned to look at Piangi and blew him a kiss. She grabbed Meg's hand and they exited stage left. Piangi turned to mini Piangi and an actor who played Passarino.

"Passarino faithful friend, once again recite the plan," sang out Piangi.

Passarino smirked before he sang, "Your young guest believes I'm you! I the master, you the man."

While Piangi sang out, "When you met you wore my cloak, she could not have seen your face! She believes she dines with me, in her masters borrowed place! Furtively we'll scoff and quaff, stealing what in truth is mine, when it's late and modest starts to mellow with the wine."

Raoul was sitting in Box Five as he glanced down in the audience to see the police in their position. He was so nervous; hoping his plan to stop the phantom will work.

I stood backstage off of stage left waiting for my cue. The butterflies in my stomach was really about to explode. Christine sensed my nervousness, so she placed her hand on my shoulder and rubbed it for comfort. In the corner of my eye, I could see Madame Giry rubbed her palms on the head of her staff, trying to calm herself. She really hoped that Erik would not make a mistake and put him or others in danger.

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