text #8

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cliffordx1995: fûck lukey i am so sorry, my friend had my phone, not me. please don't be mad.

penguinloverxox: you should have messaged when you got it back then, i was worried sick :-(

cliffordx1995: i am so sorry, mate, i promise i will if it ever happens again.

cliffordx1995: also, do you need to talk?

penguinloverxox: about what exactly?

cliffordx1995: new picture message!

cliffordx1995: when you said that i was the only person who talked to you... lukey do people bully you? do i need to beat their asses?

penguinloverxox: idk people just think i'm a goody goody because i actually turn in my coursework and stuff and pay attention in class.. they think i'm stuck up because of my grades and everything and i hate it. i wish i wasn't smart :-(

cliffordx1995: well they can go suck a massive dick because you are a great person and funny and amazing and if they can't see that then they are assholes.

penguinloverxox: it just lowers my self esteem you know? it makes me feel like a loser because nobody ever talks to me or anything.

cliffordx1995: well i will always be here, bub, don't worry about me leaving.

penguinloverxox: thank you, mikey.

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