Chapter 12 - How We Fell

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I sat down and stared at the sheet of paper Gigi had given me. 'How do you even write this stupid thing?' I sighed and decided to start with a little doodling.

'Cara Delevingne'

I gasped when I noticed what I had written. I could feel my heart beating so loud and so fast. 'Let's get this over with, this isn't real anyway.' And I started writing all my feelings.

Dear Mother Nature or whoever that'll read this

Why does everything have to be so complicated?
Why can't I just fly all thew way to the olymia and ask Zeus what this damn emotion I feel is?

Nothing's been the same since she walked into my life like a tornado 6 months ago. She came in and changed everything. Nothing is the way I knew it anymore.

I had hope that maybe this phase had just passed when she never contacted me again after we did it for the first time. But ih Lord was I mistaken. She came back like a hurricane.


"Hey." A soft voice called from behind me. "Cara?" I gasped in surprise. She smirked. "What are you doing here?" I asked. It was Khloe's Birthday party.

"Not pleased to see me?" She asked with confidence. "I asked you a question." I rolled my eyes. She nodded her head. "You should wait for the answer then." She grinned. "Just say it please." I used my bored tone. She nodded her head constantly.

"If you say so." She stood behind me and ran her fingers through my hair, brushing it off my face gently. "Kim invited me. And I didn't miss this opportunity." She breathed in my ear.

I closed my eyes and sighed when she ran her hands through my arms. "I really missed you." She muttered in a low tone, barely coherent. I held my breath. "A lot."

She rested her head on my shoulder for a moment before running her hands through my waist. Her breath in my neck gave me goosebumps all over. I hissed deeply and almost lost my balance but she grabbed my hand. "Follow me." I looked in her eyes lustfully and guided her back to my old room.


We have been together a lot after that, doing all kind of activities... But no one said a single word about emotions. Annie is still officially Cara's girlfriend.


"This is the hundredth time I'm watching this and look!" I pointed at my eyes. "Crying." Though it was only a few tears running down my face.
We had decided to watch Titanic that night at the hotel in NYC. "This is just a movie!" She giggled. "Bitch." I threw some popcorn on her in annoyance.

"Excuse me?!?" She gasped in fake shock. "What did you just say?" She grinned and picked up the whole bowl of popcorn. "Nono nono NO!" Before I could yell anymore, she spilt it all on my hair. "YOU'RE DEAD! I SWEAR!" I got up immediately to chase a laughing Cara.

The Power Couple (Cake; Cara And Kendall)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz