Chapter 4

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Chanyeol's POV:

I was on my way to school and I went to the office to see which class I'm helping today. I entered the principle's room and waited for him.

"Chanyeol-ah, are you here because you forgot the class you're supposed to be at?" He asked and I nodded. He sighed and smiled at me "happily".

"You're still gonna be in Ms. Hwang's class." He said and I went to the class again. I smiled at the children when I went in. They all ran to me and high fived me.

Then I noticed Chanwoo wasn't here yet. So was Ms. Hwang. Strange but I just hang with he little kids. Then Sehun came in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and he smiles at the kids. 

"I just came here to visit you." He said. I sighed and just started talking to the kids.

"Chanwoo-ah!" Yunhyeong said. Sehun gasped and turned around. I looked at him in a strange way. Sehun just smiles at me in a weird way.

"Hyung!" He said and hugged Yunhyeong. I chuckled cause that actually reminds me of me and Sehun  when we were little. 

Then Yunhyeong ran to Sehun. He picked him up and they both went somewhere. I went to Chanwoo and hugged him.

"Hey little one." I said and he giggles. I chuckled and pat his head.

"Who brought you here?" I asked and he responds.

"Imo Yoona~" He said and I noticed that I've heard that name before. I nodded and he smiles at me with his big adorable eyes.

"Where's Imo Yoona?" I asked and he pointed to the door. He grabbed my hand and I followed him. When I went out there I saw something shocking.

I gasp and Sehun just smiled at me.

Sehun's POV:

I took my son with me to see his mother, who he hasn't seen for week since she's busy modeling. He ran to her and she picked him up.

"Omma!" He said and I chuckled. Yoona just hugs him tight and I realized that she had tears in her eyes. 

"Why are you crying?~" Yunhyeong asked her. She shook her head and hugged him again. Then she kisses his forehead.

"I haven't seen you for weeks. Omma really misses you." She said and he smiles to her. I smiled too seeing the interaction with them.

Yoona looked at me and I went too. I picked him up and carried him. Also I put one arm around her shoulders. She smiled up at me and I pecked her lips without her knowing. She pouted and I chuckled.

We were just smiling at each other until we heard a gasp. I looked to see who it was and it's Chanyeol Hyung. I just smiled at him. Yoona just hid her face in my chest.

"Are you guys?" He asked and I nodded. He put his mouth into an O shape and I just smiled. Then suddenly he smiled.

"My grown Sehun!" He said and pat my back. I smiled and he ruffles Yunhyeong's hair causing him to giggle. Yoona carried Chanwoo too.

"When was this?" He asked and I smiled.

"About five years ago." I said and he frowned. I just looked at him. He awkwardly smiled at me. It's cause he was with Sooyoung Noona that time. Also the time he got her pregnant without knowing.

"Well, congrats! You guys are such a cute family." He said and smiled at us. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Chanwoo-ah!~" The voice said. I looked and see it's Noona. Chanyeol Hyung looked back and sighed. She passed him and hugged Yoona.

"Hey you two! Yunhyeongie~" She said and kissed his cheek. I smiled and she carried Chanwoo. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked her and she smiled at me.

"I'm going to be substituting for Ms. Hwang's class." She said and ruffles Chanwoo's hair. I nodded and   Yoona carried Yunghyeong.

"I'm gonna get going. I have to help teach at the high school." Yoona said and kissed Yunhyeong's forehead. I frowned. 

"What's wrong?" She ask me and I pouted.

"What if the high school boys flirt with you?" I asked and she chuckles.

"You're the only guy that I love. Okay?" She said and I nodded. Then she pecked my lips and left.

"Okay Yunhyeongie~" I said and he looked me with his doe eyes. 

"Behave." I said and he nods. He might be like me cause Ms. Hwang said he likes to not listen and just talk to girls. Okay that was me in the past to be honest until Yoona came. She changed me.

Then we did our handshake and end it with a hug. I peck his cheek and smiled at him. Chanwoo goes in there too. Chanyeol Hyung and Sooyoung Noona just stand there awkwardly.

"Well, I need to get going. I have to meet up with Yoona's Omma." I said. They nodded and I went to a cafe to talk to Yoona's Omma.

Sooyoung's POV:

It was just me and Chanyeol left.

"Hey~ I haven't seen you since high school." He said to me and smiled. I looked at him and gave him my fake smile.

"I need to teach." I simply  just said and went inside the class. I started teaching and when it was time to work Chanyeol passed the papers out for me.

Then I just sit there watching them. I was wondering why they only Chanyeol's help and not mine. Suddenly I saw him with Chanwoo.

They both were smiling. I just looked away cause I don't want to cry. Chanyeol doesn't even know that Chanwoo's his son.

Then I heard him giggle. Next thing I knew was tears were running down my face. I just wiped them away quickly since I don't want them to see me cry.

I looked at them and see them hug. It's like a reunion. I actually smiled cause that moment was really beautiful.

Then Chanyeol looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Then Chanwoo pecked Chanyeol's cheek making me jealous to be honest.

To be Continued 

ChanSoo4Life this story is actually for you!!! I forgot to mention that and also for all those ChanSoo shippers. Also I'm going to give credit to Hyosmiley for the beautiful covers she makes for me!!!

Also sorry if there's any mistakes.

Comment, Vote and Enjoy!!!😆

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