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((media is what jordan looks like))

Louis woke up not too long after Jordan had knocked him out. All Louis remembered was Jordan asking who the hell Harry was, and the only question was, how did Harry even find him?

Louis got out of the bed, and went out to the kitchen where Jordan was making dinner for the two of them to 'apologize' to Louis. "What are you making?" Louis asked as he rubbed his head, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Lasagna. Your favorite." Jordan sighed and dished it onto the plate. He put a plate in front of Louis. "I'm sorry." Jordan whispered, even though he really wasn't. He always apologized to Louis but Louis knew that Jordan never felt any remorse for what he's done, he's learned that by now because if Jordan was actually sorry, he wouldn't do it anymore.

"Yeah," was all Louis said before he began eating, and slowly at that. Louis wasn't that hungry but he had to eat because he knew that was losing weight and Niall was worried for him. 

"Don't be like that." Jordan said sternly, and slammed his fork down on the kitchen table. "Do not give me attitude." Louis flinched and bit his lip and ate more quickly.

Jordan shook his head and ate his own food. They both finished and after Jordan made Louis clean up, they both got into the shower. Louis let Jordan do whatever he wanted to do to him because Louis knew that if he fought back that it would only make things worse for himself.

"That's my good boy." Jordan chuckled once they finished showering, and Jordan helped Louis get dressed and into their warm bed. Louis curled up underneath the blankets and he felt his boyfriend's arms wrap tight around him. "Love you," Jordan whispered, and all Louis did was nod slowly. 

Jordan sighed, and he soon fell asleep as he held Louis. Louis stayed up for a while, listening to the sounds of Jordan breathing, and other people yelling at each other in the flat building. Louis just wished he could be happy, have a happy life, and have someone who treats him wonderful, but Louis knew he would never have that. 

It was a few days later when Louis was showing up to work with Niall, and he felt someone hug him tightly, and he knew it was Niall's girlfriend by the smell of her perfume. "Hi, Lou." Vanessa said calmly, and kissed Louis' cheek.

"HI, V, sorry I have't been in for a few days, I didn't mean to pile all the work onto you-" Louis was interrupted.

"Louis, it's okay." She said and laughed a little bit. "It wasn't a whole lot of work, and I understand, yeah? If you need to take more time off, you can." Vanessa suggested, but Louis refused, shaking his head from side to side. 

An hour or so later, after talking for a while, Louis began organizing the braille books when he jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder which made him drop a few of the books. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The man said, but Louis knew who it was, it was the Harry guy from a few days earlier, the reason why Jordan had hit him again. 

"Oh,  I uh- um, it's okay." Louis stuttered, and Harry helped Louis pick up the books. "You don't have to help." Louis said, his head hanging down low towards the ground. 

"No, I scared you, so it's okay. These are braille books right?" Harry asked, looking at the books, opening one, but not like he could understand it. 

"Y-Yeah, it's the only thing I can really do here." Louis explained and he slowly moved his head so he was facing Harry, and his eyes opened so Harry could see his glossy blue eyes, which Harry loved if he was being honest, but Louis didn't have to know that.

"I'm sure there's more you could do, love. You seem like a strong person. Your eyes are truly beautiful." Harry said bluntly, and Louis would be lying if he said he didn't love. Jordan never called him love, or any nicknames.

"Um, no, they're not but I have to go on my break now." Louis said awkwardly, and picked up the rest of the books. 

"Don't lie to me." Harry said, and put his hand on Louis' shoulder. "I talked to Niall, and why didn't you accept my friend request on Facebook?" Harry asked, pulling Louis over to the table so they could sit down and chat a little bit. 

"Uh, I lost my phone, still can't find it." Louis lied, and talked as quietly as he could, but there weren't many people in the library at the moment anyways. 

"I see," Harry started, and propped his chin onto his hands. "Well, I would really love to get to know-" Harry turned his head as he heard a man yelling.

"There you are!" Jordan shouted, ignoring the shh's  from other people, and stormed over to Louis, glaring at Harry. "Who the fuck is this?" Jordan growled, looking Harry up and down as he had a harsh grip on Louis' arm. Niall and Vanessa came rushing out.

"H-He's no one, I-I promise." Louis said, biting his lip as he tried to get out of his boyfriend's grip. 

"I suggest you let him go." Harry said, standing up from the chair, towering over the other man. 

"What are you gonna do if I don't?" Jordan seethed, his grip getting tighter around Louis' bicep which made him whimper, and tears brimmed at the corner's of his eyes. He just wanted Harry to go away else he would make things much worse. 

"I could have your ass locked up in a matter of minutes." Harry said, but it didn't sound too convincing, and Jordan shook his head, and spat in Harry's face. Harry wiped it off, and shook his head. "You're gonna regret that." Harry said, but when he looked up, it was too late and Louis was being drug out of the library by his boyfriend. 

"Who the fuck is that?" Harry asked Niall, looking at him. 

Niall looked up at harry, who was much taller, and sighed. "It's his boyfriend," He said and ran a hand over his face. "There's nothing we can do, Louis won't leave him, and Jordan won't allow him to leave. He threatens Louis each time.." Niall explained, and Harry just clenched his fists.

"Why? Louis seems so... So perfect, he doesn't deserve that." Harry said and ran his hand through his unruly curls. 

"You're Harry Styles, everyone knows who you are, but not Louis nor Jordan, and I feel if you try hard enough, you can get Louis away from that scum bag." Niall said, standing next to his girlfriend. 

"Yeah, yeah. When does he work next?" Harry asked, getting out his phone.

"Tomorrow, at noon. I will convince him to go to coffee with you or something, yeah?" Niall said, and Harry nodded, giving Harry his own number. "I will let you know what Louis says. Usually Jordan doesn't come around here, I have no idea why he did today.." Niall sighed. After a while though, Harry soon left.

Meanwhile, Jordan threw Louis against the wall, making Louis fall to the ground. "You're mine! Only mine, Louis!" Jordan shouted, alcohol on his breath. "How long until you get that through your fucking head?!" Jordan said, kicking Louis in the gut, and getting out another needle, just when Louis was about to talk. "I don't wanna hear another word out of your fucking ,mouth, give me your arm." Jordan demanded and Louis only obliged.

Louis held out his arm, crying when he felt the needle sink into his skin, the drugs going through his veins, and there was a small part of him hoping that Jordan gave him enough to overdose.

The next thing Louis knew was he was being rushed to the hospital. 

A/n: hi this was a really shitty chapter, and im sorry for it being so late. i dont really know where im going with this story. ive had major writers block but im gonna keep trying to update as much as i can. all the love xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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