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A/N I have got over 100 reads now which is cool

For a few days now we have been stuck
in this rotten place
with the only food being raw rat meat
and God it doesn't go down to well
with the taste of someone's waste and nobody wants to eat poop
so you can tell how bad it is.

The days are starting to a bit frosty and getting up is not easy
since through the night you freeze half to death.
but the gronkle iron jail doors is so nice when the sun shines on
it because it glows as bright as the moon so you don't have
to worry about light in the sells.

Two of our men have died already from eating the rat
so we always wait a few days before we get extremely hungry
then we eat this poison of a meal.
The poor souls we need to save are in our jail block
which is quite stupid on there part.
Loads of people in the past have escaped out of jail for example
the great escape in ww2.

The only way to get out of this hell joint is to get together again
and plot some sinister plan. At least they did something right.

Being by yourself for a long time can make you mad and I'm
not sure if I am or I'm just very clever at making plans I don't know.
If we had to escape with all the people we would have to spread the word
when we eat our meals in this grand hall with mighty towers supporting the roof
up strongly and when they make us work around there fort.
There the only times that we can get together so I hope it goes well.

They dragged us out of our cells for our food
of same old rat which the savages eat happily
but for me who does not eat such virus infested
creatures who spend there time underground
feasting on what ever they could get there dirty
little hands on.
Since I have not eaten in a few days it started to yell
a calm eat me and this well means I'm going mad
for a start.
I started dumping it all in my greedy mouth
gone dry from eaten nothing for weeks
Oh the hard painful weeks of work work work
and hunger hunger hunger.
Nothing happened to my surprise that never
happens maybe it's starting to grow on me.
but just then my belly started to thunder like
the old Viking Thor that they used to worship which was
so funny really.

I clumsily jogged off to the toilet where I can go
be sick.
God a wave of sick came flowing out like
a strom or something that might happen.
Fur and blood of rat came up over filling the toilet
and this was going back down to the rats which we have to
eat to stay alive but I guess doing something as crazy and brave as
this you have to pay the price for something its not a walk
in the park.

I stumbled out like I was drunk tripping over my legs.
other men came out to and this was a perfect place to
plot on how to escape. Then David falls out looking
pale as a vampire but without the blood drinking part.

"David!" I struggled to say with a soar throat

Then he grunted at me in a what sort of way

"I've got a plan" I said as I whispered in his ear

"Get the other guys ready because there I s going to be a lot of fighting" I say

We all get called to our posts to go and work.
We all get lined up to get counted just in case someone
tried to ditch the savages
but no body can stop you from ditching them
after wards.

We left the assembly room and I dashed off around the corner
before they could see me ditching them.
I have planned to go looking around there fort to see
if I could like cook up something good.

I looked in all of the rooms with tons
of supplies and food so I stuffed
as much as I could carry into all of my

I came to one room with nice gold armour around it
but It is not real gold you can never get something
like that today.

I carefully opened the door trying to make
as little sound as I can.
To try and boost my confidence in myself
I started muttering to myself as quiet as a mouse.
luckily nobody was in hear so I started rummaging through
the cabinets in there good information I need to steal
when we escape this hell whole.

But then the door creaked open like thunder so I
jumped behind a desk. It was a small more scrawny savage
with a very brittle club for his level of strength.

he had his back facing away from me so I stalked out joyful
that I was not dead yet.
but right now I have to hurry back to my cell before
anybody notices I'm gone.

I rushed back I jumped back into the line going back to the cells
and tomorrow is going to be some day.

I wake up with a blanket of frost over me as we
did the same thing we do every day going for dinner.
I didn't eat anything plus if my plan works than it should be OK.
Two sick men are going to start a fight distracting the guards
as we escape. They wouldn't make the run out of here because of how sick
they are and those two are so close to being the third and fourth people
dead in our team.

I entered the room with the others as the guards rushed of
to a point where something was going down.
They left two guards with us which we mobbed them down.

I yelled run and we started to run off while
we still have the chance.
the people we had to save where at the front
where they where safe.
I quickly got to the room and picked up as many
files as I could not paying attention to the
army of men storming being us hot on our tales.

Then they opened fire and one by one our team flopped over with
a desperate look on there faces for freedom one they
will never see now.
It was only me David and Steve now who
is very tall at 7 foot so I really don't know how
he isn't dead yet.

The exit flashed in my face as one or two innocent people where
shot while trying to get out of the door.
I turned round and smiled at David next
to me because we where going to escape but
he smiled but fell so fast he was blured and he was
shot but still alive.
He nodded at me to carry on going before face planting the

Finally we stopped but for a very bad reason
we had reached a cliff
with a green murky ocean and of course
not all of the oceans have turned into
a toxic waste.

They came round the corner with the weird
man who doesn't seem natural in any way
at all.

"FIIIIRRRREEEE!" he screeched

But we all started jumping because of one clumsy
dude who fell of and the others thought he jumped.
So we feel like stupid birds into the cold water below
but when I hit the water darkness fell like a void
I was knocked out.

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