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I drove the carriage through the forest and on to the main road. Now that we were on the road, where people could see us, Desiree and I had to keep the PDA to a minimum, but at times I really wondered why when this group obviously already knew what I was and that we were mates. I mean, we are basically outed anyway, but Desiree put her foot down.

Well we’re whipped’ I sighed to myself. Before I would be in charge and I would be the one that would put my foot down, but with Desiree I would do anything I could to make her happy. Yeah, whipped.

I drove further down the road towards the next pack and it made me realise that this would be my life for the next few months, at least until she was done. The idea of coming face to face with her father and her mother worried me. I looked like my father with just a few hints of my mother; they were bound to figure out who I was. I mean, they lived with the man and the King grew up with my father, they are bound to realise and see the similarities between me and my old man, so the deeper part of this trip had me worried.

You know what else is worrying me? The fact that this ‘master’ – I hate that someone would want that much dominance that he needs to be called master, that’s just a little self-involved if you ask me – was after us and had tried to kill us twice, well not me, but Desiree. I would be a pretty shit mate if she got hurt or worse killed while she was by my side.

So as you can see, a lot is playing on my mind right now and I really don’t see a way out of it. And instead of dragging Desiree back to my Kingdom or the shack, I was slowly driving her into more danger, acting like all this craziness wasn’t happening. I mean, why would anyone act normal when they came within an inch of death twice? That’s just crazy, but when De says she needs to fix her broken kingdom and she can’t do that through guess work, she needs to get out and look at the problems that she has to fix. Didn’t I tell you she could make a good argument?

There wouldn’t be any problem if her father hadn’t gotten power mad and consumed with revenge on my mother, then things couldn’t have possibly gotten this bad. I get that it is hard for a man to get over being beaten by a heavily pregnant 18 year old girl, but that was 21 years ago, get over it man. He’s dragged not only himself down, but his family and his kingdom. I’m sure other Kingdoms have gotten over lost wars without dragging themselves down into the dumps.

Things will be better when the kingdoms are united’ my wolf told me and I had to agree. With the prosperity that the vampire kingdom has, we’ll bring nothing, but good. As long as we don’t start a war, yeah, that as always a huge downfall. A lot of people from my kingdom really didn’t accept me when I was born, imagine how many will feel when I tell them that we are uniting with the Werewolf Kingdom due to my marriage. Prophecy or not, many people are not going to be very happy or impressed with things.

Werewolves have always been our sworn enemies and my mother mating with one, having his child and then making him King after marrying him only angered many. My mother has always been seen as the liberal Queen. Just imagine what they will say of me.

Throughout my internal battle I’d somehow managed to drive all the way to the next pack land without even realising it. It was only when the carriage got stopped at the border line into the pack land that I realised that we had made it.

“I bring the Princess.” I told the guards and they nodded us through. This pack seems more secure and guarded than the last. Desiree had told me that this pack preferred to cut themselves off from the rest of the work. They still have all of the technological developments such as phone and internet in their pack/city, but they still very much preferred to stay out of wars and Royal Duties.

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