Chapter Four

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3rd Person's POV

Naruto woke up to find himself in his living room sleeping on the floor.

"I guess I was so tired that I fell asleep on the floor." He scratched his head.

But when he tried to sit up, sharp pain shot through his shoulder.

"Shit!" He winced in pain. "I forgot about this pain and that ASSHOLE put pressure on it. It just made it worst."

Naruto picked up his phone to check if someone called. When he opened his phone he saw several calls from his father.

"Dammit! I forgot all about that." He was just about to call back when his phone rang.

Naruto jumped from the sudden sound of the phone ringing. He looked at the screen to see Minato calling.

"Naruto where the hell are you?" He heard from the other side of the phone.

"Oh, Hi dad! I'm fine. My shoulder hurts but no biggie!" Naruto said sarcastically.

"What happened? Are you okay? If not I'll come over!" He heard Minato freaking out .

"Dad, no you don't have to come over. I'll be at the base soon." Naruto said and hung up the phone.

"How can he have so much energy this early in the morning?" He got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready.

He went into his closet and took out a grey shirt. It was painful to put on his uniform so he just wore sweat pants and a sweat shirt with a hoodie.

"Okay I guess this should do it." He said walking out of his apartment. "I swear to God, if I see that weasel again I'm gonna kill him!" He said grunting holding his arm.

'Yeah right! That's what I thought yesterday and look where it got me.'

Naruto's shouting could be heard through the whole base.

"Well I thought it would be better to hire him to protect you.." Minato said putting his hands on his desk.

"Oh yeah that's a brilliant idea dad! Hire the ASSHOLE that tried to kill your SON!" Naruto said sarcastically.

"Standing right here! Also I was there to capture you....not kill."

Naruto glared at him then looked at his father.

"*sigh* Naruto you have to except the conditions as they are. Sasuke is the only one who knows the person that put a hit on you and also he knows what to expect from the enemy!" Minato said looking at his son who was about to flip his lead.

"Mom was right! You did lose your marbles. I mean he's nuts. I don't even know if he can recognize friend from foe. Also, people will get scared even looking at that serious face! I mean look at him!" Naruto finished saying and pointed at Sasuke with his hands not even looking at him.

"Still here!" Sasuke said kinda annoyed by what Naruto was saying

"And YOU! Why would you agree to protect me? Aren't you supposed to hate the base and be my sworn enemy?" Naruto looked at Sasuke.

"Eh, I should hate the base but the pay is good. So I can't argue!" Sasuke said leaning back on his chair.

"Are you kidding me?" Naruto now had lines on his forehead and a vine that was about to pop.

Sasuke looked at Naruto with a dark look in his eyes, that made Naruto flinch.

"Also having Minato owing me a favor isn't bad either." Sasuke had an evil grin on his face.

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