Chapter Three

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3rd Person's POV

"You did WHAT?" A man's scream could be heard in the big office like room.

"I think you should get your hearing checked because you can't hear me clearly. So I'll repeat again. I let him go! Big woop!" The boy said shrugging his shoulders.

"Big woop? *sigh*......I told you to capture him and what do you do? YOU LET HIM GO! Dammit Sasuke!" The man slammed his hands on the desk looking furiously at the dark haired boy.

"So what?" Sasuke said putting his feet on the table and leaning back on the chair.

"Why do you need that guy so badly anyway Danzo?" Sasuke looked at the man waiting for him to answer.

"Because he was the only leverage I could use against the Director of Baseball....... So he would give up his position." Danzo said.

"Eh not my concern now." Sasuke picked up his drink spinning the liquid in the glass.

"UCHIHA...." Danzo was cut off by Sasuke slamming his hands on the table.

"Never call me by that name EVER again. You got that old man! I don't want a scum like you to say my family name!" Sasuke turned around and walked towards the door.

"You work for me and you will do as I say!" Sasuke turned around and looked at the so called Director of 'Blackhole'.

"Or what?" He glared at Danzo. "Because from where I stand you need me. You wouldn't want me telling Minato that one of his men is the Director of 'Blackhole' and tried to kidnap his one and only son. Now would you Danzo?"

Sasuke looked at Danzo but nothing came out of the man's mouth. He just saw anger boiling in the man's eyes.

"That's what I thought. I'm leaving." Sasuke said kicking the door open and walking out leaving Danzo standing there.

The next day of the incident. Naruto was walking back from college with his friends. His phone rang.

"Hello!" He answered the phone walking a little bit away from his friends.

"There he goes again, talking on the phone mysteriously with someone." One of Naruto's friends said elbowing Sai who was standing next to him.

"Hahaha, maybe it's his girlfriend. Did you ever thought about that?" Sai said to the blonde boy.

"Sai, don't you think he would've told us if he had a girlfriend? I mean we are his BESTTEST FRIENDS!" The blonde said making a peace sign with his hand and closing his left eye.

Sai gave him a look.... And then smiled one of his famous smiles. "First of all 'BESTTEST' isn't even a word and 2nd...maybe you are right." Sai said giving up because he knew the boy wouldn't give up. "Guess he wants to keep it a secret from his parents and you blab your mouth all the time. So he didn't tell you, ever think of that?" Sai said looking at the boy.

"HUH??? I do not blab my mouth...!"

Naruto was finish with his phone call and came back to join his friends only to be captured by his friend.

"K-kazuma! Why are you jumping me?" Naruto wasn't surprised about kazuma jumping him.

He was one of those friends that had really bubbly personality and no matter what you couldn't stay mad at them.

"Why didn't you tell us about you having a girlfriend?" Kazuma's pouting face made Naruto look at Sai.

He didn't have to say a word because Sai and Naruto always understood what the other was saying without using any words.

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