Chapter Five

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3rd Person's POV

"Dammit! Which way now?" Naruto asked in frustration.

"There is nowhere but one..." Sakura said and they all looked at the cliff in front of them.

"No way I'm going to jump off a cliff at this time!" Kiba said taking a step back.

"He's right. I mean it's dark and we don't know what's down there!" Naruto took a peak .

"So what are we going to do? We don't know where any of the others are let alone if they are even alive!" Sai, sighed.

"Ugh, you guys are so loud!" Sasuke had an annoying look on his face. "It's obvious that there is only one way. Why argue about it?"

"Are you crazy? What if there are rocks down there? Sure there is water but for all we know its not even knee high. If we jump now without knowing, we are goners for sure!" The words barely left Naruto's mouth when a knife was thrown at his feet.

"Shit! They found us!" Naruto grunted.

"Naruto, do you trust me?" Sasuke asked

"What? Really, you are going to ask me this right now?" Naruto looked at Sasuke like he was crazy.

"Do you, or do you not trust me?!!" This time Sasuke yelled .

"No I don't trust you!"

"Well do you trust them?" Sasuke pointed at the troops that were running towards them.

"What? That's an obvious NO!" Naruto was annoyed now.

"Then would you rather take your chances with them than with me?" Sasuke looked Naruto In the eyes.

Naruto saw the seriousness in Sasukes eyes.

"I'll ask again, do you trust me?" Sasuke once again asked extending his hand towards Naruto.

"......yeah!" Naruto took Sasuke's hand. "But if I die, I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your miserable life!"

"Yeah, yeah. Like I'm going to let you die!" Sasuke said with a smile on his face and pulled Naruto closer. "Here we go."

"Are we really doing this?" Kiba asked looking terrified.

"Guess so." Sakura said moving towards the edge.

"Everyone stay close. Once you land in the water yell for each other. We gotta stay together." Naruto yelled and then gave Sasuke the signal.

"Naruto, jump now!" Sasuke said and they all jumped.

24 hours earlier!

"Mom, are you home?" Naruto asked walking inside the house.

"In here!"

Naruto heard his mom's voice coming from the kitchen.

"Hey!" He said walking and sitting down at the counter.

"That's how you greet your mother, by just saying 'Hey'?" She looked annoyed at her son.

"Not now mom. Dad already stuck me with one annoying person that follows me around. I don't need another." Naruto slammed his head on the counter.

Kushina's eyes twitched when her son basically called her annoying.

Naruto looked up. When he saw the look on her face, he went pale.

"So I'm annoying am I?" She had a freaky smile.

"N-No I didn't m-mean you!" Naruto jumped from his chair behind the pantry door.

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