Chapter 16 Mycroft's Announcement

Start from the beginning

"Oh Myc." Greg said just above a whisper.

Mycroft took the box from his pocket and looked down for a moment before opening it and looking Greg in the eyes, "Will you marry me?"

"Oh, Myc, yes, oh god yes!" He exclaimed and Mycroft slipped the ring onto his finger. Greg pulled him up and captured his lips in a kiss.

>>>Back to Bella and Sherlock<<<

Bella took her phone from its place a on the table. She held down the power button and waited for it to turn on. The screen lit up with texts and the sound went crazy, she ended up turning the sound completely off. She had over fifty texts from her friends asking where she was and if she was okay. She texted them both the same message I'm fine I'm at Baker St. With my dad.

Gracie was the first to respond,
Bella are you ok? You're dad is...dead.

No he's not it was a hoax but don't tell anyone , he doesn't want a lot of people to know.

Maggie responded next, Thank god you're alright Bell you had us worried sick.

I know I know it was stupid to run off lime that. And I know you're a bit mad considering you've each texted me like 50 times last night. But I'm ok now I was just angry at John and wanted to be alone.

I'm glad you're ok but I gtg see you later Bell.

I gtg to bye Bella

see you guys later.

Bella smiled at her friends and switched off her phone. Not long after, Sherlock's phone rang, "Yes?" He answered.

"Brother mine how are you and Bella?" Mycroft asked.

"You didn't call to ask about my daughter Mycroft what is it?" He asked annoyed.

"I would like you and Bella to come to my mansion for dinner tonight, and if at all possible maybe John and Mary could join you." Mycroft explained.

"Yes we will be there and I will check with John but he doesn't have anything planned."

"See you then brother dear."

Sherlock ended the call and set his phone down, "Mycroft wants us to go to the mansion for dinner tonight, he has an announcement." Sherlock said with a smirk. Bella squealed at the thought of Mycroft getting married. She loved the fact that her uncle found a goldfish, named Greg.

"I'll be in my room on ny laptop." She said as she got up and headed to her room. She sat at her desk and opened her laptop lid. She began to type away (if you were wondering where her laptop came from it was in her backpack I just forgot to mention it last chapter). She watched YouTube and played games. She was on her laptop for about three hours before she decided she wanted to get some of her things from John's house, "Dad can I ride my bike to John's to get some of my stuff?" She asked as she walked down the steps to the sitting room.

"Be careful and don't be gone to long." He said.

"Thanks I'll be back in a bit." She said as she grabbed her backpack and her phone. She stuffed her phone into her pocket and slung the empty backpack over her shoulders. She ran down the steps to the door and hopped on her bike. She rode to John's and dumped her bike on the lawn. She slowly knocked on the door, though she knew she could've just walked in she couldn't make her arm move to do anymore than knock.

John answered the door and looked down at her, "Bella, thank God you are alright. Don't ever do that again you scared me half to death." He said as he bent down to her hight and hugged her tightly, "Where were you?"

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