Chapter 1

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>>>Bella's POV<<<

I walked down the sidewalk hugging my arms around myself trying to keep warm but this thin jacket isn't helping much. I have been outside in the freezing cold for about two hours and have knocked on about twenty doors trying to find one person. I have a note clutched in my hands for Sherlock Holmes but I can't seem to find him.

Sorry let me introduce myself I am Bella Marie Holmes. I am three years old and my mother died in a car accident. I have been living with my uncle ,my mummy's brother, for a month but he hurts me and I had to save myself from him. I knew where my father lived because my mummy told me about him and that she loved him. She told me where he lived and that if I ever needed to I could go to see him.

I walk up to the next door I find and knock on the wood. A minute later an older woman opens the door, "Yes? Who's there?" She asks. "Down here." I say, "Does Sherlock Holmes live here?" I ask. "Yes and who are you?" I smile ,"Can I see him my name is Bella. Bella Marie Holmes." I say with a smile on my face I finally found him!! YES!! I thought to myself as the woman lets me in. I pull off my gloves as she leads me up the stairs, "Sherlock! You have company." She calls to my father. "Let them up Mrs.Hudson!" A voice calls. Mrs.Hudson opens the door and tells me to sit on the sofa. I do as I am told and wait for my father.

A man walks in with curly black hair like mine and looks at me confused, "Mrs.Hudson who is this?" He asks irritated. "Are you Sherlock Holmes?" I asked he nodded and I handed him the note and he read it.

>>>Sherlock's POV<<<

"Are you Sherlock Holmes?" The little girl asked and I nodded. She handed me a note and I read it

Dear Sherlock,

This little girl is your daughter Bella Marie Holmes. If you are reading this she has found you and I am no longer alive. If you remember me I am Zoey Marie we were together three years ago and I just wanted to let you know I loved you. Take care of our daughter please do that for me Sherlock.

Zoey Marie

A single tear slipped out if my eyes as I read the note Zoey was the reason I stopped getting high all the time because I loved her and if I have learned anything from my brother it's that sentiment is a thing found on the losing side and i guess he was right because she is gone now.
I looked at Bella and said, "I will take care of you I promise. Mrs.Hudson go get cocoa and I will get her a blanket." I ordered

"I'm not your housekeeper dear." She says looking at me cross, "But just this time." She says and I smile as we both leave the room and I return and wrap the wool blanket I had in my hands around the little girl ,"How did you get here?" I ask and she gulps , "My uncle, my mummy's brother, was watching over me but he hits me and yells at me saying its my fault that Mummy is gone and that I'm worthless. I had to save myself so I ran away and grabbed the note that I knew Mummy wrote to you I always read it when I was sad and I took off on my adventure of finding you. Will you keep me safe from him Daddy?" She said with tears running down her face. I walked over and sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her in a hug ad she cried into my chest.

>>>1 hour later<<<

>>>Bella's POV <<<

A man walked in the room. He had sandy blond hair and was wearing a sweater carrying grocery bags. He looked at Sherlock and then to me and back to Sherlock, "Sherlock, who is this? And why is she wrapped in my blanket?" He asks.

"John this is Bella Marie Holmes. Bella this John Watson. and John she is using your blanket because yours is the warmest and she was freezing. John, I need you to make sure she is not going to be sick she was outside without a coat and with gloves without fingers." He tells John.

"Wait a minute. Holmes she is a Holmes? And she's not Mycroft's daughter that's for sure so she's yours where did she come from?" He rambled.

"John I will explain just make sure she is going to be okay...please."

John sat down next to me and placed a hand on my forehead and Looked to my father and said, "She has a fever probably just a cold but," He turned to me, "How long were you outside for?" he asked.

"A couple of hours." I said.

"It may be the flu then." He said and I shifted in the blanket giving a glimpse of my scars and bruises and John now had a worried look on his face as he gently lifted one of my arms to see the bruises and scars easier, "Where did these come from?" He asked and I gulped and explained everything.


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