The Plan

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Stiles POV
It's been a week since Lydia was admitted into Eichen probably the worst place in the world. I went to see her once but she was still catatonic I begged her to wake up stroking her hand but her mom came in. Her mom hates me she blames what happened to Lydia on me. When I was at Eichen I saw that they had shaved her head her mom said it was for ECT but it wasn't I knew it wasn't. It's been five days since then during that time we got Kira back from the dessert and malia didn't kill her mother, most of the pack was back except Lydia. So we all decided we were going to break her out. Breaking her out is easier said than done. The whole special ward is surrounded by mountain ash and Scott and the others can't get past that only I can. There is also the act that it is a highly guarded place and we would have to fight our way in and out. We also had to worry about the asshole that is Theo he said he wanted to help and that If we didn't except we would just have to see who got to her first the slimy little shit.

The plan was in four steps:
1.get a keycard (easy)
2.get everyone inside (not so easy)
3.get Lydia (very not so easy)
4.get out ( hard)

I know our plan is vague but we don't have enough time we have to get her before she gets hurt or Theo gets to her. So we are gonna do this tommorow we will all meet here and then the Plan will go.

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