The First Attempt

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I saw him do it. He stuck the needle in my arm. I saw the blood flow from my vain and into the needle. Meridith was stood beside me we watched as he told my lifeless looking body that he would be gentle i felt helpless but i had to do something to get out. I had to try to help my friends. Meridith had taught me all i needed to know even how to use my voice as a weapon. I looked to Meredith with pleading eyes i just needed her to tell me what to do then all of a sudden she whispered 'Its time'and pushed me into my body, just as the creepy orderly was about to push the needle into my neck.

I awoke with an ear splitting scream sending the orderly next to me flying across the room and shattering the light. I knew exactly what to do and quickly ran out of the cell. I looked both ways down the corridor two big men where coming from each direction. I took the first one down easily flipping him over on to his back and i used my scream just like Meridith taught me
i channeled all my rage and screamed pushing the other orderly back onto the floor. I fought my way outside orderly after orderly fell. Until i reached outside.

I felt the cool air and pouring rain on my skin. It electrified my body and gave me hope that i would escape. I was half way to gate when another four orderlies came. They all had baton looking things and electricity sparked of off them the odds were not in my favor but i fought on. I took out the guards with ease. I was almost at the gate but then i saw him. Aiden. Alive. Breathing.
I was in shock i couldn't move i couldn't even speak, i just stared at him mouth open. Slowly Aiden said ' Your treatment isn't over yet Lydia.'Then i felt a excruciating pain in my back it radiated across my body and then there were more each blow of pain made me weaker and weaker. I screamed in pain and felt hands grasping me as i slowly succumbed to the darkness escaping the pain. All i was thinking is that i failed. My friends were all going to die and all because i couldn't escape.

Authors Note

This is my first attempt at fanfiction so I'm sorry if it sucks!!!!

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