"Frowns take more of an effort than smiling baby boo! Smile." My frown did indeed turn upside down and I chuckled.

I gazed up just in time to see Alison slip into the room.

It took me a lot of effort to get off of the couch and walk up the stairs.

I was making my way up the stairs when I felt a breeze past me.

My head snapped towards the side and I searched around.

I felt as if there was something off but I continued my way up.

I was at the top of the steps when I snapped my head to see Dave standing at the bottom of the steps.

"I knew that I smelled a filthy dog in the house." I slowly walked down the steps and stopped right in front of Dave.

"Oh I'm sorry. I think you're mistaking your scent for mine!" My fist rose up to punch him square in the face when I saw someone else appear from the side.

"Dad?" I looked away from Dave to see my dad standing by the door and my heart thumped.

Everyone was sound asleep and most likely drunk.

"Brandon, where are-" Alison stopped mid sentence and glared at all of them.

"I thought you were both gone." I could tell Alison was frightened but she still made her way downstairs.

"What do you mean by gone sweetheart?" Dave chuckled and Alison glared at him.

"Alison, go back into the room now!" My voice held authority but Alison didn't budge.

"I said now Alison!" I boomed. I didn't want her to get hurt but she stood next to the door.

"Jesse, Dom, get your asses downstairs! Now!" I was completely afraid of getting Alison hurt. I could take the two down but I didn't want Alison to witness it.

I heard the door slam open from upstairs and Leslie calmly walked over to Alison. She stood guard in front of her and Jesse, Dom, and Jay made their way downstairs.

"I thought I smelled a family wet dog smell!" Jesse gazed his eyes towards the two rabid werewolves and smiled a sweet, sinister smile.

"Oh Jesse, how I always wondered if your nose ever worked. Now I know it does. You can smell yourself better!" My dad smirked in front of Jesse and I balled up my fist.

"What in the living do you two want?" As an Alpha, I felt as if I needed to step out and kick the two out.

"I'm not here to fight any of you. I heard your filthy father-in-law was here, captured and helpless. I've got some business to deal with him!" My dad opened his mouth and inched his way across the room.

I jogged over and stepped in front of my dad.

"You take your shit out of my territory! Do you fucking here me? You got some shit to deal with him, then you get the fuck out of my house and fight!" I was itching to drag both of them by their faces and throw them out of my territory.

"Who are you calling a fucking filthy dog, you fucking prick!" Before I knew it, Dave tackled my dad on the floor and they both shifted into their werewolf form and we're throwing punches.

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