Another world.

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Nikita's POV

As I was flying upward to the other world, I noticed things changing. From the bright blue sky to a dull grey in the sky, from a luminous green flower to a shrivelled up white flower, from grass being green to a misty white floor. I heard once that this place was supposed to be beautiful but this is anything but beautiful. The vibe was dark and mischievous.

The light angels, in perception of humans, even me once upon a time, were supposed to be the good angels, the happy angels, the ones who are too precious to be seen or heard. But in reality they were the bad angels, hunting the dark angels who were seen as death, ugliness, nastiness and hate to a mere mortal. In fact we were the good angels. We were the ones protecting the humans. The light angels only wanted one thing, not to keep the world at piece, no. They wanted the amulet so they could create mass destruction and take out all humans to start a "superior" race.

I walked around looking clueless; looking for anyone that would be around to help, as if there were a nice light Angel around. I walked and walked and walked through the misty whiteness feeling unsure of each step. Buildings were white which signified an atmosphere of pureness and superiority. It made me sick, a perception they created for themselves, the lies they told, the people they hurt.

You could hardly see buildings as the grey sky blanketed the environment in a mist leaving it almost impossible for me to see where I was going. The buildings were a bit brighter than the sky which made it a bit easier to see.

I walked for miles and miles and there was still nothing. It seemed empty, the emptiness swallowing me up in a never ending shout for help. There was no one to be seen, no children playing outside having fun like there would be in my world, the buildings all seemed to be abandoned by the very people who created them.

White didn't suit me. White meant pureness, I was far from pure. Just like most of the light angels were. The folding rows of white feathers on my back didn't make me feel good, it made me feel sick to my stomach. I wonder if some light angels do get sick of who they are, If they ever get ashamed of what they are, because I feel ashamed of this "token" on my back.

Through all of this walking and time alone I couldn't help thinking about the strangeness of the dream that payed me a visit the previous night. After all these years of me trying to put it to the back of my head, what I did to him, how I never got a chance to apologise... Maybe its a way of my conscious mind telling me it's time to face up to what I've done and what I didn't do.

After all this walking I felt too tired to carry on. It felt like hours and hours; I had no idea of where I was going or where I should start or what time it was, it was the same landscape for hours of traveling.

I knocked on one of the buildings doors to get a place to rest my aching legs for a while. There was no answer. I peered through the window and the place looked deserted so I decided to enter anyways.

There was no life anywhere near here, besides me of course, but this place was certainly liveable, it was fancy and decorated, nothing like the outside. After passing the living room and the kitchen I noticed that there was a passage way obviously leading to the rooms.

The inside of the building was much different from that of the outside, it was painted in all different colours and themes. It had a happy vibe in the walls, an indescribable feeling telling me me to let loose and dance.

I walked into the first room and the walls were painted blue with fishes here and there, there was a single bed in the middle of the room and in a corner there were boxes filled with toys and cars.

I then walked into the second room, it was plain red with a double bed and an attached bathroom, there was a dressing table on the far side of the room with makeup lying scattered around it in front of the mirror. I thought light angels had continuous beauty.

I was way too tired to inspect the other rooms so I slumped onto the bed smashing my head deep into the pillow on the right side.

The empty building made me feel alone, there was no one with me, it made me feel small, empty and scared. It also made me think of family. I didn't have my blood family with me, they were all on earth but I did have Zoggard.

I often wondered whether my mom would've given up on finding me by now, whether she'd moved on and didn't care about me anymore, but Zoggard and Seb would always assure me that she does still care about me, she loves me just as much as she loves Oreos.

I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier and I was slowly pulled into a tunnel of the empty darkness called sleep.


As I opened my eyes from a peaceful sleep that made me feel refreshed, I noticed a 5 year old looking girl watching me with her head tilted, she looked confused. I jumped up off the bed quickly and screamed, not too loud though, I didn't expect anyone to be here...

After a moment or two, a lady came rushing into the room, she had a worried look on her face, she looked like she just came in from work.

"Oh my god, who the hell are you?" The woman with huge amazing white feathered wings screamed. "The general sent you didn't they, can't they see? They've already taken enough away from me, I don't know anything about the whereabouts of Zoggard or the dark angels, and even if I did I wouldn't tell you angels anything!"

I couldn't believe it when she muttered these words, she'd been interrogated about Zoggard, which meant she knew Zoggard.

"I'm not from the gene...." I was cut short by a man storming into the room, his wings even bigger than the woman's.

"Natalie, get Ava out of  'ere!" And a moment later everything went black....


I woke up feeling restrained, I was tied to a chair by my hands and my legs, my mouth was shut by duct tape. I moaned a little feeling sore on the back of my head, getting the man and woman's attention.

"Now you listen to me girlie," started the man, he was in a way ,scary, but I was way too mad to even notice that. "You've got plenty explaining to do don't ye!"

He carefully removed the duct tape while warning me not to scream and that he asks the questions.

"Who sent ye?" The man questioned.
"Not the general, I don't even know who the general is!" I replied, getting angrier and angrier.
"You see, I reckon that the general sent ye to get info'mation from us. Wha's sad is that they startin' you angels from young. You got no business sniffing around here. You here' me little girl?" He looked in his wife's direction, and I noticed that she was pregnant. If they knew about Zoggard then I could obviously trust them, even though I just want to throw punches at them.

"I KNOW ZOGGARD!" I shouted, grabbing the man and his wife's attention.

The man chuckled a bit before replying, "oh ye? And you reckon I should believe ye" he then started in a full blown laugh. I only noticed now that this man speaks like a sailor who's just drunken a ton of beer.

"I can prove it, just untie me, please." I begged noticing my hands going numb.

"So that ye can go runnin' off back to the general. I don't think so!" The man yelled now seeming quit angry.

"Okay then I'll just try and explain my situation, my name is Nikita Sto...."
I was quickly cut off by the reaction of the angels, they went from not wanting to know anything about me to staring at me. With gawked mouths must I add.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that." I questioned, the man got up and started pacing and muttering things like "no, no. This can't be."

"Uh sorry to interrupt you bickering with yourself but why can't I be Nikita exactly? Just ask Zoggard he's got my birth certificate!" He snapped his head my way and came closer to me, his nose almost touching my nose, he placed his hand on my cheek and then hung his head and then said, "because, you think I'd know what my own daughter looks like..." I could feel my mouth widening in shock, he couldn't be my dad... It was impossible I already had birth parents! I was interrupted by my thoughts when the woman came running to hug me.

This was all too much, it couldn't be happening, no. This is a mistake, maybe they're talking about a different Nikita.

Hey sorry for late update. The picture's of Seb.

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