The News

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-2 years later-

"Come on Seb, we need to go" I shouted while picking up my pace hearing boots crunch against the leaves not to far away, "he's onto us."

Seb let out a short chuckle and lifted off the ground with his wings streaming out his shoulder blades. I followed shortly after with a slight giggle as the man got closer.

We were finally out of reach and far from the forest. Flying gently through the skies landing onto a sharp cliff to catch our breaths.

As we sat down and faced each other Seb and I burst into laughter.

"It's always fun to play with fire." Seb chuckled and gazed over the perfectly grazed farm land layer out beneath the cliff. It really was a beautiful day, the sun was out and the birds were singing softly toward the melody of the wind. It was calming.

"Yeah until one day we burst into flames." I laughed.

Seb was one of my few best friends. He helped me understand what I was and where my future lied. He knew me better than I knew myself. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I haven't read the wish out loud. I wouldn't live this amazing life I live now.

My mom still had a search on for me and I miss them with all my heart but I couldn't wish for a better life. I had everything I needed. Freedom and my best friend, Seb.

"It's getting late bug, we should head back." Seb said stating the obvious.

"Can't we just watch the sun go down, we haven't seen it in ages since the new laws came out." I begged batting my eyes in his direction.

"It's too dangerous for us dark angels to be around during the night while the catchers are out. You know how it goes it's the same old ritual. We have to go. There's no way I'm going to explain why your heads been chopped off to Zoggard, he'll chop my head off. Let's go." He said as he grabbed my arm and lifted me off the edge point of the cliff.

The wind had picked up a bit in the last five minutes. It felt refreshing as the wind found its way through my feathers.

As I got closer to the village I saw a shadow pass me. It couldn't have been Seb he was way in front of me. I started getting worried.

Before I knew it I was getting tackled to the grass a few miles outside the castle gates where the herd fed. I tackled my way out of it pinning the person to the floor only to find out it was Richie.

Richie was my annoying trainer. He always tries to test me to see if I'm alert enough and if I fail any one of them we go through the whole training process again. Good thing I whipped his Ass.

I chuckled as he grunted in defeat, helping him to his feet giving him a look of dismay I shook my head and laughed again.

"And I'm the student?" I laughed as I started walking toward the castle.

"I taught you well, I think I deserve a pat on the back." He shouted while jogging to catch up to me.

"I've got news." I stated as he finally caught up to me.

"Good or bad?" He asked.

"Bad. While Sebastian and I were out today we over heard some of the goblins talking about the light Angels wanting to attack us for the amulet. We've got it guarded like no other but they've got a weapon."

"What's their weapon?" He asked a bit worried.

"They didn't say and there's no way to find out." I shrugged.

"Unless.. Uh never mind." I hated it when he did that.

"Unless what? If you have an idea you should say it because anything could help. That amulet is of great importance and everything will go wrong without it. We need as much ideas as possible."

"Alright but let me speak to Zoggard first, I'm not sure if I should be the one to tell you." He sighed and lifted off the ground flying toward the castle.

The whole walk to the castle I kept thinking about what it was that they needed to tell me. It was eating at me.

I got to the gates and they smoothly swooped open as I entered.

I ran straight to Zoggard's office to find out what was going on.

Zoggard was the king of the establishment. He was the ruler of the dark Angels, the keeper of the amulet and most importantly the dad I never had.

As I opened the doors all eyes gazed at me. Zoggard's piercing stare went straight through my skull.

"Where have you been young lady! It's dark and you only return now! What have I told you about catchers and snatchers out there. You're safer here and you need to start obeying me. I was worried sick about you and then on top of all of that I had to find out the news about the Angels of light from Richie even though it was your ears that heard it! If anything would have happened to you how would I ever forgive myself?"

His grey beard rattled in rage as his eyebrows were stuck in position as his eyes gazed daggers my way.

"I was too tired to fly and that damn Richie did one of his tests again, I was inside the walls don't worry. " I reassured him.

"It's not even safe in the walls anymore, Nik. But anyway off the subject. About this attack thing, Richie had quite a brilliant idea but we need you. I'm not sure if I want to put you in that kind of danger but it might be our only hope." I could see a frown form on his face like he was avoiding what he was about to say.

" You see when you made that wish things went horribly wrong. This isn't the wish that that boy wanted. Since the creator himself didn't say this wish aloud but you did you have a special capability. You could be either angel. Now since you have that capability you could be our weapon. " he shrugged.

"What!" I screamed, " First you hid this from me and now you're offering me up as bait! You just want to get rid of me that's all!" I stormed out the office and too my room slamming my door.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door but I was too outraged to answer so I just let him speak.

"Listen Nik, I don't want to do this anymore than you do," he paused for a bit, " but it needs to be done, you're our only hope at finding out what their weapon is. You're the only one who can change the colour of your wings. Once it's done you can come back here and we would know how to guard the amulet. It all depends on you." And then it was silent and all you could hear were his footsteps fading off as he walked back to his office.

I hated to admit to myself that he is right. I should take a bullet for my people, I didn't know how this whole two angels thing works but I sure as hell will find out if it depends on me to save my people, but for now I would just fade away into the beautiful sound of silence in the beautiful place called sleep.

Hey guys, thanks for reading, criticism is accepted and ideas are accepted too, please comment and vote. Thanks

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