It cant be someone else now

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Its all about karma as it comes to someone eventually at the end. The universe will serve you with the revenge you deserve. I am trying to do exactly what I'm . The unreal is a bit allergic to me and it itches me for no reason. And now I'm suffering form allergy and it's truly amazing when you have the physicians sample for it. Thanks for being there when I needed a
shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening 
to my personal problems. Letting off a prisoner in the open air is sometimes human. She knew certain words pinched her at the end and that let a prisoner smile in the face of a real human again. It did hurt recalling the past when you know you were a bad guy somehow and in this new world when i click myself in the present mode i feel I'm no more a prisoner and i can sing and swing again holding a hand on. Accepting the bitter truth the bitter fault is a great heroism at the end. I would rather salute myself in front of the mirror rather than hiding somewhere in dark. Hence i stepped into a new world a world of love a world that defines what human is what a true bonding is. And there i was a superman again flying somewhere in the dreams of a pieces as i was just one cal away. Thank you girl for letting it go so mild so love. I saw the forgiveness in your eyes and then there i smiled miles. Baby you are perfect. I started acting high and mighty. But i never wanted to forget it was a match made in heaven after all. I acted courageous like the soldiers fought against the tremendous odds. I kissed your love finally. I loved your love to the infinite. The stars got settled. It was even more Brighter and sizzling. The night seems promising and i promised to be you star forever.

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