Let me hold your hand

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A/N: So obviously Lexa didn't leave Clarke at Mount Weather in this story. Lexa saved her people and helped Clarke pull the lever.

It has been three months since Mount Weather. TonDC was now almost completely rebuilt and looked stronger than ever. Thanks to Raven's careful planning of the town not even a fire would destroy it. Not completely, anyway. The commander's hut was on the hill. Made such way that only Lexa could access it with her fingerprint. And apparently technology was something that Grounders had a hard time understanding because Clarke has been explaining the process to Lexa for the fourth time.

"You just have to press your thumb on the pad and wait for the scanner to turn green. You can't wear gloves or otherwise it won't work," Clarke said and rolled her eyes. 

Lexa looked intensely at the touch pad, even glaring at it. "What if one of my warriors wishes to reach to me and can not enter? Or if my hands are covered in blood?"

Clarke sighed and clenched her jaw but then remembered that Lexa taught her how to hunt. Although, Clarke wasn't really skillful with a bow. Or a spear. Or even with a sword. They were surprisingly heavy and yet the Grounders used it with such grace and elegance. Even Octavia. So Clarke stuck to a knife. "You don't have to worry about blood or mud, as long as it's not wet. You shouldn't touch the pad unless your thumb is dry. And if anyone is looking for you, they just have to ring the bell."

Lexa nodded, Clarke already told her that. "But how does the bell work?"

"Go inside," Clarke urged her. It was refreshing to be teaching the tough commander something for a change. And watching Lexa confused was quite a treat. 

Lexa scanned her thumb and walked inside, the hut empty but bright. There was a window, right on the ceiling which at day, allowed the sunlight in the hut and at night the brightness of the stars. Lexa was impressed and even complimented Raven's work.

"Now close the door," Clarke instructed and watched the heavy metal being pushed in her face. Lexa was definitely safe in her home. And she didn't need to be heavily guarded anymore. Clarke pressed the bell button. She has already went through teaching this to Lexa's warriors and they ended up glaring at her because they assumed she thought they couldn't comprehend pressing on a single button. 

Lexa, who was inside, heard the bell. It wasn't too loud or painfully annoying. It was enough to alert her if anyone needed. Even though Lexa oughted to keep the door opened through out the day so it would make it easier for her people to reach her. She opened the door. "Mochof," she said and bowed her head a little.

"You're welcome," Clarke said, proudly. It has taken her a long time to get through Lexa's walls and she felt like she was finally slowly breaking them down. One by one. "Do you want to see what Raven did to the healer's hut?"

Lexa smiled. It seemed like her smiles were reserved for Clarke only. "Yes. I should thank Raven again."

"She just loves to feel helpful," Clarke stated. They left the commander's hut, down the hill to where Nyko's healing hut was. Mount Weather was filled with herbs and medicine that Sky people and Grounders could share. There was still some hesitation, mostly from Sky people but they were working on it. Anesthesia was still hard to come by so Clarke promised that major surgical procedures would be done by Abby. 

For that purpose only Raven, Monty and Wick came together and from two old jeeps created two flawless vehicles. One for Sky people and one for Tree people. Even though most Grounders, and Octavia, relied on horses it was the fastest way to transport injured. And Clarke's next mission was to teach Lexa how to drive.

Lexa opened the wooden door of healer's hut. There were a few small beds in the corner for patients who needed to be under constant supervision. Something they haven't had before. And instead of pointy, rusty knives they now had shining blades. Clarke did her best to explain everything to Nyko and other healers. There was a metal table, for treating patients. And rope to bound warriors because four people holding one person down wasn't always manageable. 

Lexa strode proudly through the hut, grinning at the little boy who was sitting on one of the patient beds, his eyes wide and curious. She asked him something in Trigedasleng and Clarke watched the little boy blush and reach out to play with his commander's braids. Clarke was completely surprised by the sudden feeling of jealousy, as if she wanted to touch Lexa's braids. 

"Ste yuj," Lexa said.

Clarke understood that one. Be strong. "Is he going to be alright?" she asked quietly.

"Oh yes," Lexa confirmed. "He was pushed around by other children. He fell and hit his head. He is just waiting for his parents to take him home." Lexa's eyes were drifting all over Clarke's face as if she was contemplating something but didn't know how to ask. "We are having a feast tomorrow, for Sky people. You helped us rebuild Tondisi. Would you wish to accompany me?"

Clarke wasn't sure if Lexa was asking her on a date. Or was she invited out of politeness. But from the Grounders' culture she has only seen war. Now she was ready to see peace. "Yes," she answered simply. "Are my people allowed?"

"Of course," Lexa agreed. "I can mount a horse and send you to your camp right away."

Clarke smirked. "I have a better idea. Are you busy right now?"

Lexa looked around them. Children were playing. Grounders were working and preparing for the big feast. Sky people in TonDC were chatting by the fire. "I have much time on my hands."

Clarke led Lexa towards the jeep that was parked outside of TonDC. "We'll get there much faster and be back before night," she urged Lexa. Clarke climbed in the jeep and opened the passenger's door for Lexa. How Grounders were not afraid of war but feared cars was beyond her. Clarke started the car, the engine coming to life. She went through everything Raven taught her. She pressed on gas and the jeep jerked backwards hard, making Lexa flinch and grab the hilt of her sword.

"Clarke," Lexa hissed. "I'd rather wish we walked."

Clarke laughed. "I know what I'm doing." She leaned over on Lexa's side and she swore she saw Lexa's eyes glance down at her lips before she pulled the seatbelt over and into the buckle where it clicked softly.

"What are you doing?" Lexa asked carefully. It felt a lot like she was being bounded.

"It will stop you from moving side to side," Clarke said. "Don't worry, okay." She pressed on gas once again and placed her hand on the stick. She was used to driving by now, the bumps making her smile. But Lexa was tense, her hand gripping her sword so tightly that her knuckles were white. "You can't fight a car with a sword Lexa."

"Yes I can," Lexa replied confidently. She could, right? Another bump on the dirt road and Lexa's hand immediately moved on top of Clarke's and her eyes shut tightly. 

Clarke wasn't sure how it happened that Lexa's hand was gripping her own. But when she tried to turn her hand around to lace her fingers with Lexa's, the commander panicked and pulled it away. "Let me hold your hand," Clarke said quietly. "You're not weak."

Lexa swallowed hard, her throat bobbing. She weighted her options and decided Clarke was right. Her hand slipped into Clarke's, their fingers intertwining. Lexa would have never allowed this to happen if they weren't alone. But Clarke has been with her constantly since they returned from war and Lexa was being respectful about her decision that she was not ready yet. Lexa was a very patient person.

And instead of feeling weak, it was almost as if Lexa found even more strength in such simple act as holding hands with the leader of the Sky people.

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