Chapter 2: Raven

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Hi! My name is Raven. Well...sort of. It's Rachel, but everyone calls me Raven. I HATE it someone calls me Rachel. Raven definately suits my looks; black hair with purple highlights; the tops and skirts in my wardrobe are black and purple; and black tights.

Anyway, as I was saying, my name IS Raven and I have an annoying, geeky brother called Rick. You may think that he is very strong and cool, but he's the exact opposite. Shame my parents can't choose suitable names. Perhaps with names like Paul and Judy, they just can't!

Enough of the not-so-good stuff, my favourite things...err....yes! I LOVE Lyrica, she's like the BEST singer in the world!

Uh oh! The headteacher, Mr Headlow, is coming. Better hide or he'll ask why I'm not in class!

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