Switching to Annoy!

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1. When the teacher says to “take a seat”, you answer “take it where”.

2. When the teacher calls your name at roll call, you answer “Absent”.

3. When she calls roll, you answer “yo mama”.

4. When the teacher says something, you say “is that so?”

5. If you so happened to not turn in your homework say, your class pet ate it.

6. Tell your teacher you’ll turn in your homework, as soon as your parents finish doing it.

7. Tell your teacher you did not turn in your homework because you were watching TV.

8. Fold your homework into a cootie-catcher.

9. Fold your homework into a paper airplane and fly it to the teacher’s desk. Extra points if it hits the teachers head.

10. Beg your teacher for extensions on reports.

11. Whisper to your neighbor during a test, but claim it was the sugar ants on the floor.

12. Argue with your teacher about your test grade and claim it was supposed to be one or two points higher than it actually is.

13. While your teacher is grading papers in class, sharpen your pencil. Very loudly.

14. When the teacher says to stop, covertly break the lead and say “but it’s not sharpened”.

15. Roll your pencil across the desk.

16. Do drum rolls with your pencil. Use the head of the person in front of you as the cymbals.

17. Never bring a pen or pencil so you always have to borrow one from the teacher.

18. Return the pencil to the teacher, with the eraser end all chewed and slobbery.

19. Use crayon for important assignments. Purple crayon.

20. Lean your chair back so that it is balancing on only two legs. Extra points if you fall over backward.

21. Covertly chew gum in class. Extra points if you snap and crack it with out being caught.

22. When possible, eat food in class. Loud, crunchy food.

23. Go into the graphics options on the school computers, click graphics properties and click on rotation. Rotate 180 degrees. Extra points if the teacher can’t find out how to get it back the way it was.

24. Put wads of chewed gum on the end of your pencil.

25. Ask to be excused to the bathroom. Even if you just came from recess lunch.

26. When the teacher asks a question, raise your hand. If the teacher calls on you, ask if you can go to the bathroom.

27. Ask if you can be excused to go to the bathroom, then take a tour arround the school.

28. Put too many staples on your paper when you staple it. Extra points if you make a good design with them.

29. Write so small on your paper that the teacher can barely read it.

30. Bring brightly colored notebook paper to write on. Examples: neon pink, purple, red, orange, green…and so on.

31. Blurt out the answers to the teachers questions.

32. When your teacher asks a question, wiggle in your seat and shout “I know, I know!”

33. When the teacher ask a question, wave your hand like a palm tree in a hurricane and say “pick me, pick me!” When the teacher finally calls on you, say “never mind”.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Sep 05, 2011 ⏰

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