Chapter 8

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Mason's POV

It's been a month since that whole thing with the principal. Here's a sum up of what happened in that month: We finished the building, the principal turned out to be just bluffing, we got a crap ton more donations to the point where we were able to afford a stage in the building, and Jason stopped going to school, but he still went to the meetings and such. 

I don't know why he stopped going to school, but he still is in contact with us. He texts Jordan everyday, but whenever he does he gets really sad and cries. I don't blame him.

Anyways, the dance is tonight and I can't be more excited. The whole building is ready for people to be inside of it, but the donations we get for the dance will completely tie this place together. Not to mention if we get an astronomical amount of money, we could have an auditorium to go with it. We wouldn't have to use the tiny little auditorium that could barely fit anything.

I'm at my house getting ready and my mom comes up behind me and pat me on the head. Don't get me wrong, I still despise her. But where else am I supposed to live?

Right before my mom went to ask me what I'm doing, I already started walking out the door to Lauren's house. I'm not wearing a tuxedo to this dance, this isn't prom. I'm wearing my dad's leather jacket and the nicest pair of black jeans along with a white shirt.

On my way to her house, I felt an unusual aura around me. By unusual, I mean a "something's following you" type feel. I haven't felt this sense...I don't even remember. It's the most interesting feeling to have since normally you wouldn't expect that on your way to a certain person's house.

I started to hear steps behind me. When I stopped, they stopped. I kept going, then I stopped again. They stopped. I stopped again, they didn't.

I could tell this was a sign for me to start running. I looked behind me and saw girl in a dark hoodie. I'm not sure how this would be as that Clair and Anna were locked up. Wait, what was Jerad trying to tell us earlier? UH oh.

I stopped and turned around again and saw the terrifying image that was Anna. I never really wanted to see her again, but crap like this always seem to happen to me so I'm just going to go with it.

"What the hell do you want?" I yelled to her with force.

"Oh, nothing. Just tell Jason I love him." She creepily said. She walked away right after that. I don't understand.

If the trip to Lauren's house were a time lapse, it would involve me trying to jump over a ditch three times, petting a squirrel that probably has rabies, and checking if my fly was down.

After all the weird encounters with the squirrel and the other squirrel, I had finally arrived at Lauren's house. The outside of her house may look dead inside, but the inside is absolutely beautiful. It's just like Lauren.

I knocked on the door and awaited Lauren's mom to answer the door. I checked my fly one last time and waited patiently. After about thirty seconds of waiting, her mom answered the door as expected. Her mom is aware of our relationship, but she still treated me like one of her own. I appreciate it. She's like the mom I've always wanted.

"Come in sweetie, Lauren will be down in a minute." She gladly told me as she smiled.

"No problem." I nodded to her with basically the same smile. I've never seen Lauren in a dress so this ought to be interesting.

As I waited I played on my phone. First was to check Pinterest for more links to stupid quizzes. Then it was youtube to see if Lauren posted a new cover video. I checked my messages. The first one was from my mother, the next was from the group chat between all of us. Currently Jade and Sarah were having a debate over team L or team Light. By the way, team L. The last one was from an unknown number. None of the words had any spaces between them, so that must be Clair.

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