chapter 2 -part one

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(this is going to be split into parts because I have to go to school soon and its going to be really short)

You woke up to the sun shining through the window, onto your face, and birds loudly chirping. Those dang birds were like an alarm clock that wouldn't go off. Every day they would wake you and you weren't that fond of it.  You had now been in Gravity Falls for nearly two weeks. You had gone back to that diner quite a few times again, and had also stumbled upon a quaint little park  that you would stroll around in and maybe sketch a little. (not that you thought you were any good at drawing, but you did it anyways...)

Although you still have not gotten a lot of information about this small town, but you did get a little.  Many people would be blabbing about it, still in shock and fear from the event. But you had noticed that most of the things people would tell you, was something about eye bats that turn people to stone? But that's all they would tell you because that was all that most people would remember from the majority of the apocalypse. An eye bat came, flew over them, and that's all most of them could recall.

You climbed out of your makeshift bed, and headed to your closet. You pulled out an orange sweater and some leggings and boots and got dressed. (the season is supposed to be Autumn, so I tried to make it Autumn-y, but you can wear whatever you want,) 

                                                  /////TIME SKIP/// (because I have to head off to school in 15 minutes)

You headed down your street to the Gravity Falls diner once again, to get breakfast. After a few  minutes of walking,  you stopped in front of the building and walked in. You sat down at the seat you usually sit in, the bench seat in front of the window, and once again flipped through the menu. After a minute, the waitress, Susan was her name, came to take your order.

"Oh (Y/N) its nice to see you again! What would you like this morning?" She asked cheerfully. You loved how everyone in the town knew each other. It was very welcomeing 

"Hello Susan, I would like (a food) please?" You told her.

"Coming right up!" She wrote down your order and was about to leave when you got her attention again.

"Hey Susan! I was wondering if you knew anything about that "Weirdmeggeddon" thing. Ive been very curious about it, and was wondering if you new something?"



Bill Cipher(human) x reader~ after WeirdmeggedonWhere stories live. Discover now