Ch. Wistful thinking

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(Bill P.O.V)

I watched as the Pines child walked away. His hands stuffed in his pockets. I walked in the other direction, tapping my fingers against the cover of the notebook I had taken when I held him. "Uh...excuse me sir." I turned around
"Did I happen to drop a notepad when I bumped into you?"
I pulled out the black notepad and his face lit up. "That's one!"
I grinned and pulled the notepad back. "Wanna see a little magic trick?"
His face fell but he nodded slightly. I opened the notepad to show him that the only thing in there was his notes and that the last page was blank. I closed it and held my hand over the cover and took a deep breath, blue covering it . When I pulled my hand away I headed the pad back to him and he flipped through it till he got to the last page. Written in bold black letter was Welcome back to GravityFalls Detective Dipper Pines.
His eyes quickly looked up and met mine, I grinned and crossed my arms. He shoved the notepad back into his bag and glared at me. I chuckled and started to walk away, leaving my lovely confused Dipper behind.


I walked to the Mystery Shack since I knew that's where he would be. I walked in and immediately Mabel, Soos, and Wendy blocked my path. "What are you doing here Bill?" Wendy hissed
I didn't answer for a minute because I love the suspense. They all glared at me darkly and waited for my answer. That's when the sound of footsteps caught all of our attention. Dipper walked down in a pair of navy blue jeans and was shirtless. I almost let my jaw drop. Wendy's jaw on the other hand almost hit the floor. No one moved and I waved at Dipper who nodded in recognition before fleeing back up the stairs. Everyone looked back at me and glared once again. "Oh Mabel, I'm just here to see PineTree."
"You don't have the right to call him that. Never have and never did. He doesn't remember you and let's keep it that way you criminal." Wendy said.
I frowned and placed a hand over my chest, acting like I was hurt. I turned and waved as I walked away. But I yelled as I walked away. "Hey PineTree, don't think this is over." I then turned back to the three by the door. "I already cast a spell that will make him remember who I am. But it won't stop there. I will make him fall in love with me."
"He won't fall for a criminal Bill. He's a detective he could never love you." Mabel barked
I grinned and left.

It's been a week now, since Dipper came back to GravityFalls and I have been playing games with him ever since. He's on to me though. He's started to connect the dots. And how I know that. Well it's because I'm currently sitting in a interrogation room my hands bond with magic removing cuffs. He sat in front of me, a frown on his face and he's brows furrowed together. We watched each other, not taking our eyes off one another. "Are you the reason people in GravityFalls are getting sick?"
"Ouch, how could you ask me that without even knowing who I am." I grinned and snapped my fingers. Though I was in magic bonding cuffs, the spell was already active I just needed to complete it. His eyes widened and he grabbed his head. He stood up and stumbled a little as he made his way to the door. It truly looked like he was in pain, which I guess he could be since I was filling his mind with every memory we had together. Including the one where I kissed him. I grinned when his hands dropped to his side and he looked up at me, his face flushed a deep shade of red. "I-I...w-we kissed...Bill?" He sounded confused
I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't say anything mostly because I liked the look of shock on his face with the deep blush that covered his cheeks. He looked around as if to find something but wasn't sure what he was looking for. I clicked my tongue and he looked back at me. He quickly glared and grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me close. "What did you do to me?"
"Nothing, I just simply restored your memory of me. After all, you knew nothing of me before we met right?"
He let go of me and sat down I. The chair across from me. He rubbed his neck and watched me closely. I could see the gears turning in his head and the look on his face was just to cute. I grabbed his hand and his eyes shot open and he jerked his hand away from me. I smiled and leaned forward, the chains allowing me to get close enough that our lips almost touched. He tried to back away but I grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to me. "Don't think that for one second, that I'll let you get away from me again. Yes I'm the cause behind everyone getting sick. It's only a little of what dark magic is capable of. And here's a little surprise for you PineTree, I'm the only one that can wake them or I can make it worse. All you gotta do is love me."
Dipper jerked himself away and glared at me. "I'd rather die then love you." He hissed
I didn't give what I was going to do a second thought as I grabbed his collar again and pulled him close, our lips crashing into each other. His eyes were closed tightly along with his mouth but I moved my hand from his shirt down to his arm and pinched him. He yelped out and I put my tongue in his mouth. I explored every inch of his mouth even when his mouth began to move in sync with mine. He moaned into the kiss and I found myself pulling him closer. His hands were firmly placed on the table trying to stop himself from moving anywhere near me. He finally pulled away and was a panting mess, his breathing ragged and heavy. I was the same way. He quickly unlocked my cuffs and walked to the door. "I won't love you..." Then he left.

(A/n: Sorry it's short. Something came up and I got writers block. The next chapter will be longer. Most of my chapter are 1000- 2600 words long. This chapter is only 1094. I promise chapters will be longer. Thanks for reading. Bye!)

Investigation-In love with a criminal~BillDip (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now