Chapter 23

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"Kris, really what was that call all about??" Chris barged in Matt's apartment moments later.

Kris jumped. She was in the kitchen preparing for dinner when she heard a car pulled over.

She went outside. Chris looked like he had just taken a shower. Crap!! He looked hot with wet hair, Kris thought. She looked elsewhere.

"Uhm you could wait for Matt in the living room. Have you had dinner??" she called when she returned to finished what she was doing in the kitchen. She peered.

Like always as if he owned the place he turned on the tv and started browsing for channels.

Kris looked at the time, it's still early seven pm.

"I hope you like .... Beef," she added lamely. For a while there she nearly told him, I hope you like me. Geez. This plan wasn't working.

"Really." Chris rolled his eyes heavenward. "Matt knows my flight is tomorrow. What does he wants now, do you know??"

"I really don't know. We could have dinner first." Kris suggested.

She set up the table slowly, carefully letting Chris got a better glimpse of her. Her long bare legs. Please notice me already will you? Kris wanted to shout.

Christian watched her warily. Just what he needed. He still hadn't packed up his things for his flight tomorrow. HE didn't know how long will he stay there. He needs to.... Fuck!! Is it him or he really thought that Kris was seducing him subtly??

They sat down on the dinner table for four. His knees bumping into hers. His gaze bored down on hers. She seems to be avoiding his gaze. She dropped her fork. She made no move to get it at all, Chris thought. He bowed down and get it. He really needs to pull himself altogether.

"What's Matt taking so long??" Chris asked again. He glanced at his watch. It was eight pm. HE had a flght at 10 tomorrow.

"I don't know." She muttered incoherently.

He went to fished for his cellphone and started dialing.

"Please don't call him," Kris said alarmed. She tried grabbing his cellphone. It fell on the floor.

"Oh sorry." She said picking It up

He raised his brows. God. What was Kris up to?? She had stood up and went to the door.

"God. It was starting to rain. I am closing the doors Chris ok." Kris closed the door.

Chris just shrugged.

He went back to the tv and sit down again. Kris went to the table and began to clear the dishes. Her hands were shaking. This is really hard. Really. Is she not hot?? Not sexy enough?? She had her hair down. Had her lipstick on. Had her bare legs infront of him. What does he need more to heat up??

Chris looked at her again. She was shaking. Was she sick??He stood up.

"Kris are you sick??" he asked.

Christ!! She hadn't noticed that he had stood up and went to her. She jumped. And dropped a plate in the process.

"Yeah I'm okay." She smiled. The rain continued pouring outside.

"Chris I'm just going to shower okay. Just watch some tv. I'll be right back." Kris hollered.

Chris didn't know why Kris needs to inform him what she will do every single minute. It's like...... he groaned again and heard the shower water running. Damn. He couldn't think straight now. Then the lights went out.

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