Chapter 20

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Kristine went to school the next day still puffy and red eyed from crying everytime she remembered her breakup. Surely there's no one left for her when she will go home back in their hometown after she graduates?? No more David or her bestfriend. No more parents. There's no one left really. Well except for Matt and his parents. But atleast he got Sharon while she got no one.

She was spacing out so much that she didn't even noticed she bumped into someone until all his books fell to the floor.

"God!! Like. What are you now??A Blind, I guess?" he exclaim sarcastically picking up his books.

She looked up. It was Chris.

She gasped. She instantly remembered her recent conversation with Trey about him last Sunday.

"Uhm How are you??" she asked stupidly lowering herself so she could help him pick up his books.

"How am I what??!!" he asked. Then he noticed her ID hanging on her neck. "Who gave your ID back??!"

Kristine ofcourse couldn't let him know that it was Trey who returned her ID back. He might ask other questions about that and she's really not good at lying.

"Uhm. I just found it in my the desk lying there...." She stammered avoiding his eyes lest he noticed that she's not telling the truth. She removed it then. "Uh if you want you could just keep it." She said handing it back to him. He made no motion to receive it.

He arched his brows. He was thinking, is this Kristine whom he was talking to. By this time she must have come up with snappy retorts by now.

"I reported it lost anyway. They're going to replace my ID. " she smiled.

"Why would I get your ID now anyway. I'm finished playing with you," he snickered.

She nodded. She forced herself a smile. "I hope I was worth your play for a while then." She saluted then stand up to walk away. He shake his head. Clearly this was some other woman who invaded Kristines body right??

He pulled her arm and grabbed her ID necklace still in her hands.

"On second thoughts, I think I would like to keep it. You know to help me ward the rats off in our house." He said.

"Really. You'd keep my ID?? That's great then." She smiled faintly. Hope he remembers her from time to time, she was thinking.

Chris just stood there. Hadn't she heard what he had said?? To ward the rats and she thinks thas's great??!! She didn't looked jeering though. She basically just looks sad and had gone from crying. From what, Chris wished he knew.

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