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"You're absolutely sure?" I breathe a sigh of relief.

She nods. "Yup, I got my period today."

The feeling of relief and happiness is too much for my body to handle. I'm smiling so wide I feel like my mouth is about to fall off. "Thank fucking god." I get up and hug her, pulling her off the chair and spinning around.

She laughs. "Connor, stop."

I set her down and kiss her forehead. Then the realization of the close call hits. "I am so sorry for everything I put you through."

Alexa gives me a soft smile. "It's okay, Connor. We were both stupid that night, it wasn't all your fault."

"I don't care, I'm still so sorry." I say.

She nods. "Consider it a lesson learned.. Youtuber friends shouldn't mess around." she says, nudging my shoulder playfully. "Look, I have a meeting I need to get to so I gotta head out." she pauses. "Friends?"

I smile and nod, getting up to hug her again. "Of course."

She kisses my cheek as a farewell and walks out of the cafe.

I felt like the weight of a million trucks had been lifted off my shoulders and I couldn't be more grateful.

Damn, that was such a close call.


My mind is racing as I enter the house, screaming.

"What?! What?!" Jc runs in holding a bat.

I run to him and nearly tackle him on the ground with glee. "She's not pregnant!!!" I shout.

"Connor, you fuckin psycho!" he shouts, laughing.

I look up to see Kian and Ricky joining us. "What the hell is going on?" Kian asks.

Getting off Jc, I run and nearly tackle him as well. "She's!! Not!! Pregnant!!" I yell, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Fuck yes!!" Kian hollers. "Okay, we're throwing a party tonight in celebration." he declares.

I raise my eyebrow. "Throwing a party because someone isn't pregnant sounds like something a fuckboy would do."

Kian smirks. "You kind of are a fuckboy, Con Con."

Ricky laughs as I slap his shoulder. "Shut the fuck up."

Kian pulls out his phone and begins to send out texts. "Alright then it's settled. Party at the O2L house tonight." he says with a mischievious grin.


Night arrived and as more and more of our friends arrived, the livelier the house got. Music was blaring and drinks were out. People were having a good time and I couldn't be happier. The party has just begun.

As I was on my way to get another beer, the doorbell rang. I ran to open the door and saw Troye at my doorstep.

"Hey there, Troye boy." I grin, opening the door wider.

"Hey, Con Con." he smirks walking past me. He looks at my empty beer and raises his eyebrow. "A little tipsy now, are we?"

I laugh. "Not yet." I'm about to close the door when I feel someone push it back open. I look at the mystery person and see that it's Zoe. "Zoe!!" I smile wide, hugging her.

"Hey, Connor." she smiles, kissing my cheek. She pulls away from our embrace. "How are you?"

"I'm amazing." I say truthfully.

She smiles and pinches my cheek playfully. "I'm glad. Care to get me a drink?" she grins.

I follow her to the drinks table out by the pool and grab another beer. I see Troye come up and hug Zoe from behind. "Zo, I missed you. Where's Alfie?"

She turns and gives him a proper hug. "Troye! He's coming later, he's finishing up something at home."

He nods and grabs a beer from the table, popping the tab. She looks at both of us with beers in our hands and scoffs, giving us a disapproving look. "Oh, come on, you guys are so lame!! Let's do some shots!" she shouts excitedly.

I laugh and shake my head. "I'm trying to not make any mistakes tonight. This party is kind of in celebration of me learning from my mistakes." I look at Troye while taking a sip of my beer.

He smirks and turns towards Zoe. "I'll do some shots." he says, grinning.

Zoe claps excitedly and then begins to pour vodka into shot glasses. They down them fast and laugh as she begins to fill up the second round. "Careful, Troye, you don't want to accidentally reveal any secrets tonight." she winks.

What's that supposed to mean?


I sat in the pool chair watching some of my closest friends swim in our pool while other were inside listening to music and messing around. The party was in full swing at this point. As I continued to sip on my beer, Kian came up to me, soaking wet from swimming.

"Connor, can you grab the extra towels from your bathroom? I forgot to bring them down before the party started." he says.

I nod, getting up and heading back inside. Once in my room, I shut the door to stop any drunk party goers from entering my sanctuary. As I enter the bathroom, I see the towels sitting inside the closet and I pull them out when I hear someone open my bedroom door.

I peer my head around the door and see Troye stumble in.

"Troye?" I ask, setting the towels down.

"Con Bon!!!!" he slurs, throwing his arms around me. I catch him and he begins to struggle to get back on his legs. Oh god, he's drunk.

I slowly drag him over to my bed and set him down. "Troye, hey, are you okay?"

I forgot how much of a lightweight he is.

He begins to laugh. "Of course I'm okay, Connie Frannie. I'm with my bestest friend in the entire world."

I sigh. "Okay, I think you need to lie down. I'll go get you some water." I begin to get back up but he pulls me back down. "Troye.."

"No, don't leave me." he whines. He sits up and looks at me in the eyes. "Connie, I'm gay." he says, patting my shoulder.

I laugh. "I know you are, Tro."

He shakes his head. "No, no.. It's not just that. There's something else I have to say."

"And what is that?"

He leans in so close to my ear that I can feel his breath on my neck. "I really like you." he whispers.


No, he's drunk.. he doesn't even know what he's saying.

"Look, Troye, I really think you need to--"

"No, Con, you're not listening to me." he cuts me off, putting both of his hands on my shoulders so I continue to face him. "I like you and if I'm being honest, I think deep down you like me too."

I look away from his eyes. "Troye, stop it, you're drunk. You don't mean any of this."

"But I do." he says quietly.

Things are silent for awhile as I tried to process what the hell was happening right now.

"Hey, look at me." he says softly.

I'm reminded of being back in his room a few days before when I told him about Alexa because he said those exact words. But what happened after was completely different this time.

As I looked up at him, I swore I could hear my heart pulsating through my chest as he wrapped his hand behind my neck.

Then, he kissed me.


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