Facts About Teeth

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Note: "Baby teeth" and "Milk teeth" refer to the same thing.

1) By the time a child is two years old, it will usually have about twenty teeth.

2) George Washington had teeth formed from hippopotamus teeth, sheep teeth, cow teeth, ivory, lead, and humans' teeth. 

3) Sharks have a minimum of forty sets of teeth in their lifetime.

4) A Chinese dentist once built a tower out of approximately 28,000 human teeth.

5) The hardest thing in a human's body is the enamel on their teeth.

6) The bristles on toothbrushes were originally formed from cows' hairs.

7) Mammals all have two sets of teeth: the Primary teeth (milk teeth) and the Permanent teeth. 

8) Humans' teeth begin to form before they are even born.

9) Humans have three types of teeth: Incisors, Canines, and Molars.

10) Alligator and crocodile teeth are hollow. 

Note: I know that the number of facts isn't very high, but it will be increased once more parts are made

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