Chapter 1-She's a Human

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Rosalie's POV
This town is so boring. There's nothing to do. I'm considering taking bites out of humans just to give myself some sort of entertainment. But I can't do that. My father wouldn't like it. We're supposed to be "vegetarians". It's the first day of Junior year...again. My "husband" Emmett is all amped up about football and my fuckhead brother Edward is brooding about how empty his life is without his mate. Someone please rip me apart and burn my ashes! But before I get too ahead of myself, let me clear some things up.

I married Emmett after I begged my Father to change him after I witnessed him get mauled by a bear. But I only married him because my parents thought I asked for him to be changed because he was my mate. No, that's not why. I just felt bad watching someone die such a horrible death. Emmett and I love each other as friends and siblings but that's all. When we find our mates we will be happily divorced.

Anyway, we walked into the cafeteria. All eyes were on us as usual. My sister Alice was skipping around while her husband Jasper was trying not to go into a frenzy and suck everyone dry. I grabbed a granola bar and headed towards our usual table and that's when I met my mate.

But here's the hitch, she's a human! It knocked the air I didn't need to breathe from my lungs. Damn! And when I looked over at Alice I knew she knew I had found my mate. I looked over at Emmett and he smiled at me. I glanced over at Edward and he was glaring at her. I almost ripped his head off. I was already so protective of what was mine!

I had one remaining thought the rest of the day. 'How the hell did I end up mated to a human?' I didn't care that she was a girl. No, what bothered me was that she was a human. And eventually I would have to bite her to protect her and to have her by my side forever.

Bella's POV
I woke up this morning and it was raining. Remind me again why I decided to move to be with my Dad? When I get to school, the piece of shit truck I have backfires and everyone stares at me. I want to fall through the seat and bury myself under a pile of rocks.

Anyway, everyone knows I'm the new girl and I'm like a magnet to guys right off the bat. Ew! During lunch I'm invited to sit with a couple of my classmates and their group, I'm eating some veggies when I see a group of the most beautiful people I have ever seen walk in. More in particular a blonde. I mean shit! Her curves in those jeans!

"They're the Cullen's." Jessica said. "That's Emmett, the blonde girl is Rosalie..."

Yeah I stopped listening to her annoying ass voice after that. Rosalie. That was the prettiest name I ever heard. I looked up again and I swear she was looking at me. I looked back down because I was a little intimidated by her gaze. The rest of the day was uneventful. I just kept thinking about the beautiful blonde with golden eyes. I had to get close to her. I had to know her.

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