Well shit

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Here be, another beautiful day in the Pool household. As the lovely smell of pancakes fills the air.

Hey, me! Did you make your pancakes out of Domino this time?

Shut the hell up, me! I didn't tell you to talk! And no, but I made them with extra cheese and beef this time!

Really? Again with the chimichanga pancakes? That doesn't sound very appetizing.

The hell it doesn't!
Hey, reader! Did you see my trailer yet? Watch it! WATCH IT NOW! Anyways, what's with the damn joke about my face? It doesn't look like an avocado that had sex with an older avocado!

It does look like a ghoul from Fallout 4.

Awesome!! Hey, reader! I aced that game in 2 weeks! Pretty awesome, huh?

Deadpool power!!

Hell yeah!! Ok, back to the sexual avocado incident. Where did that shit come from, anyway?

I think it was Marvel Stu...

I know!!! Uranus!! Hehe. Get it? Uranus?

Genius, Deadpool. Genius.

Thank ya vera much, blow-bow!!

I was being sarcastic.

I know!

That makes no sense. Ok, let's play 20 questions with the reader!

Ok, I'm thinking of a word. It starts with 't' and it's a short word. Hehe.

No, Deadpool. Not that word with the readers! Goodness, you are stupid!!

Fine, ok! Starts with a 'd' and is 5 letters long.

This has become the guessing game, hasn't it? This isn't 20 questions.

The hell it isn't! Anyway, place your bets, place your bets!

Oh, God. See how stupid I am?

And the word is, D

NO!! Oh, goodness. Almost didn't catch that one. Well, such concludes a morning in the Pool household!! Tune in next time to hear a story of the time Deadpool got his sword stuck in his ass.

I love that story!!

Ugh. To be continued...

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