Best Boy Ever (Harry Styles fanfic)

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Chapter One

"Dad do I have to come to work with you I'm busy today" I begged my dad looking into his dark grey eyes, I hate going to his job with him it's so boring and he was the head of the computer gaming industry.
I know what your thinking 'that sounds awesome' but when I go with my dad he always puts me to work and says it will be good work experience for the real world, but I want to be a singer and an actor.

"Come on sweetie ever since you were little you use to love to come to work with me and help me"

"Dad I'm 17, that was like 9 years ago!"

I pleaded, but I knew that hurt my dad when I said that.

"I just don't want my little girl to grow up" he whispered looking like he was about to cry.

"Actually dad I love going to work with you, can I invite one of my friends though so I don't bug you?"

I said giving him my best puppy dog face.

"Of course Noel, but don't forget me entirely though ok"

I grabbed around him giving him a big hug that I loved so much.

"Ok dad" as he walked towards the building I pulled out my phone and texted my friend Arianna

'hey girlfriend wanna come hang with me at my dads work? :P' as I waited for her to reply I jumped into the elevator to go to the top floor where my dad worked to see if anyone recognized me.

I haven't been here in 9 years so probably not.
God I wish my other friend was here but she was traveling with her new boyfriend I haven't met yet.

'Yah sure still in the same place right?:)'

'Yep girl so hurry!! I miss my bud!'

As I reached the top floor and stepped out my dads secretary ran over to me.

"NOE!!!" I stood there as she held me but to my surprise I remebered her.

"You've gotten so big, what has it been 9 years?" I hugged her back because out of all the people that worked in my dads office she spoiled me rotten, that's why she was like an aunt to me and she didn't mind me calling her my that.

"Yes auntie Beth, you remember me?" I asked raising my eyebrow

"How could I forget my favorite niece!?" she asked happily, this was one of the things I missed about my dads office.

"Beth don't hog my daughter to yourself, there is someone I want her to meet" my dad said interrupting us.

"Ok I'll talk to you later auntie!" I said waving to her

"So dad who is this person you want me to meet?" I smiled into his arm.

"Just wait-HAROLD" I looked up seeing a guy with a nice glasses, beautiful green eyes, curly brown hair jelled up and to the side, wearing a super hero shirt with black skinny jeans.
As he looked at me he bumped into someone dropped boxes he was holding and spilling paper everywhere.

"Shit" he mumbled under his breath.

I ran over to him and got down on my knees helping him pick up the papers and boxes.

"Thanks....?" he said with a deep British accent, which made me blush.

"It's Noel and your welcome" I responded taking his appearance in.

"We'll Harold looks like you met my daughter Noel" my dad said cheekily.

"Yes" he said shakily, like he was.. Nervous why would he be... Oh yah probably because my dad was his boss.

"We'll I'm going to get back to work" dad responded " you kids have fun" he giggled walking away.

I looked back to Harold to see he was looked at me like he was staring into my soul.

"Are you ok Harold?" I asked with a small laugh, making him blush.

"Umm yah ii... I just have to get back to work" he stuttered looking at his paperwork.

"Oh ok well I guess I'll see you around" I said standing up and handing him the papers.

"Hey Noel!?" He yelled causing me to turn around "you can call me Harry" he said deeply, making me watch him stunned... Did he just flirt with me.


Hello everyone hope that you liked the first chapter of this story...

I thought of this when I seen some of the video previous of the new one direction song 'best song ever' so I thought it would be cute if I called the title of this story 'best boy ever' so please no one steal this idea or title.

But please tell me what you thought of this story so far and what you think of the new one direction song 'Best Song Ever', in my prospective I love it so much!!


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