Tagged by @Human_Zoroark

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I was tagged by Human_Zoroark so I have to answer these questions.

1: Do you know Pokemon? If so, what's your favourite Pokemon?
Answer: My favourite Pokemon? Uh... I have many but if I have to tell only one, then..... Mudkip.
2: What is your favourite anime?
Answer: Naruto, I guess.
3: What is the best/worst pick-up line you've ever heard?
Answer: No Idea
4: if you could date/be any anime character, who would it be?
Answer: If I could be any anime character, I would be Sasuke from Naruto.
5: Would you rather be bitten by a vampire, or kissed by an angel?
Answer: I don't know.
6: What's the worst injury you've ever gotten?
Answer: When I fell off the stairs in school. I had a cut on my cheek and I scratched my arm.
7: Do you know why Pikachu is named, "Pikachu" and is called a mouse Pokemon?
Answer: No, I don't.
8: What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
Answer: I don't know.
9: What's your favourite television show?
Answer: The Suite Life Of Zack and Cody/The Suite Life On Deck, Pretty Little Liars.
10: If you could rename yourself, what would your name be?
Answer: If I could rename myself, I would name myself Kenzou.
11: Have you ever gotten into a fight?
Answer: Yes, many, many times.
12: What is something you consider yourself good at?
Answer: Since many people have said this to me before, I consider myself good at drawing.
13: What is the worst nightmare you've ever had?
Answer: I haven't had a nightmare for some time, that's a good thing. I don't know the worst one I've ever had, though.

Ok, now they're done. The Next actual chapter of The Quest To Stop Team Magma will be here soon.

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