Ori noticed that he actually seemed to speak with  something that resembled sincere emotion. 

"I used to be a litigation attorney before I got into criminal defense. I worked with Eric in 2011 when an employee sued for a work-related injury. A very nasty one,  I'm sure you remember the case. The 'accident' was intentional, just as your father thought - which is why I was brought in, rather than just paying forward the workman's comp. We stayed in touch for quite a while afterward. I didn't sell drugs to him, if that's what you were thinking. Your father wasn't that kind of man. He had no idea." 

 Ever couldn't believe he had just told someone, whom he had just met, his main occupation. Right upon meeting her. However, it somehow didn't concern him very much. The circumstances were different. And besides that, he could see right off that she was more so like her father than Shawn ever could be.

Ori sneered.

".... You're a defense attorney? Oh, wow. What, you just do this on the side then? And people actually trust you to keep them from behind bars...? Or, let me guess, you defend all your drug dealing buddies? God, what a country. Really. In the last thirty seconds you've truly reassured my faith in our justice syst.... " She rambled on. 

Ever was infuriated with these comments. On his desk, his fingers drew into a semi-loose fist.  Still, he found himself to be even more surprised. He had already been shocked to find out that Ori dealt, but when she had entered the office he instantly took notice that this girl couldn't have been anymore than 110 pounds. She didn't even look tall enough to ride a roller coaster. Her voice was like honey but her words were so sour. Did she really just talk to him like this? 

She was, without a doubt, Eric's daughter. 

"Actually, yes. Thousands of people have entrusted both myself and my firm to keep them out from behind bars as well as keep their bank accounts as untouched as possible. Your father being one of those people. I'll have you know I have a 90% success rate, and I work very diligently at my job. At both of my jobs." 

Ori rolled her large, ocean-filled eyes, allowing Ever to look at them clearly for the first time during their encounter.

 He instantly wished that he hadn't have looked at all. 

He was suddenly overwhelmed with extremely contradicting emotions, a few of which almost made him shift uncomfortably in his seat as he quickly fought them back inside. His jaw clenched instead.  

Another emotion arose, daring him to ask her with the utmost sincerity what it was about him that she seemed to automatically dislike so much. But he already knew, and he quickly recovered from the inflection her eyes had caused only to be filled with anger. 

"You don't approve of what I'm doing here?" He asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Not really, Mr. Kingsley. I can't say that I do." 

Ever ignored the surge that went through his body as she said his name. He was too enflamed (and a little intrigued) by her attitude. He wanted so badly to change it for her, to put her in her place.

"That's quite hypocritical, don't you think? I mean, is this," he motioned to the table of snow, "not your main source of income right now?  This and the marijuana you sell? Yes, that's right. If I'm not mistaken, you, too, are in this business, Ms. Hawthorne."

Before she could turn to scold her brother for having a fat mouth, he had already spoken.

"Chill out, Or," he said, rolling his eyes without glancing back at her. "it's fine."

 He was carefully watching the men weigh out his order and transfer it to brief cases. He didn't have the time or patience for Ori's 'nagging.'

"Yes. I do sell quite often for Shawn – not that it's any of your business. I have tuition to pay, necessities I need to live, and- to be honest - a taste for expensive things. The business is lost. A full time job really wasn't cutting it. You try heating a place like this in winter with a six hundred dollar paycheck.  HOWEVER, what I sell and what you sell are very different drugs." Her face was no longer pink, but a deep scarlet. Ever was actually enjoying arguing with this fiery little thing. Was he offended? Oh yes. Did he want to smack that attitude right out of her? Of course he did. He knew she thought herself better than him, which was infuriating. Still, his interest was peaked.

 He showed no emotion. 

"Be that as it may, a drug is a drug. You are a drug dealer. Just like me," he graciously leaned over his desk, and all of his facial features somehow darkened further. 

"What's more though, is that you are obviously completely unaware of the fact that I am your drug dealer, too."

Ori's eyes widened. 

"Oh yes, Ms. Hawthorne. The weed you sell is bought from me, and I bet business for you is incredible. So, I suggest that if you want to continue our indirect transactions with one another and keep a roof over your head,  you step the fuck down from that horse you're sitting so highly on. Do you understand me? I said do you understand?!"

"Yes sir," Ori spat. She wondered if this moment were real, and hoped like hell that it wasn't. 

Her hope was useless. This was most likely completely real. 

  "Good. You seem quite used to throwing stones inside of your little house of glass. I'm honestly shocked that you hadn't broken any walls before now, but it's really such a pleasure to be the one to assist you in shattering them."

Ori had nothing to say back. Her whole body was on fire. She sat in silence for a moment, staring holes into the eyes of the man that was doing just the same to her.

"We're ready," Shawn stated, interrupting their tense moment of silence. For the first time in quite a while, she was thankful for her brother. She quickly got up and turned to follow Shawn and Dylan out, the bottom of her light blue dress swayed behind her.

 Ever didn't pretend not to notice.

 The two men said their brief farewells to Mr. Kingsley and Ori tried to look down as she, herself, passed him. This classic technique for ignoring people did not work, though he found her attempt satisfying.

"Ms. Hawthorne." He stuck his hand out to stop her and looked down with an austere expression.  "It truly was a pleasure meeting you, though I'm sure you're feeling otherwise. You really must learn some manners, and soon, as I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you."

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