Julie's eyebrows furrow together, "I didn't think about that." She turns and looks back at Hope, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Mom." Hope smiles and kisses her forehead while hugging her tightly.

"It's all right JB. Mommy loves you."

"I love you too." grins Jay. Now that we got one of the two trouble makers sorted out we all turn our attention back to the, what seems to be main problem, one on my lap.

"MoMo why can't you go to sleep sweet girl?" I ask tucking some of her hair behind her ear. She blushes red from embarrassment and keeps her eyes trained downward not wanting to talk. "Moe, baby, I need you to tell me what's wrong." Dang it Jrue. If you didn't punish her like you did she wouldn't be this freaking quiet! This happens every single time. He should have waited like we talked about on the flight here.

"I-I-" she starts before starting to tear up. She buries her face in my neck to try to hide it. I slowly rock her back and forth and shh her as she begins to breathe heavy.

"This is ridiculous." mutters Jrue angrily. "Morgan Paige stop crying and answer her. Do we need to go have another talk?" She quickly shakes her head no and throws her arms around my neck in fear. I glare at him while trying to console her.

"Jrue." I warn. I am literally going to kill him. "Baby she's-"

"No Lauren!" he snaps at me. "She needs to be a big girl, dry up those tears, and tell us what's wrong. Her crying is doing nothing. She's only trying to make you feel bad so she doesn't get in trouble."

"Am not!" yells Morgan suddenly.

"Hey!" says Tobin stepping in between Morgan and I and Jrue. "You don't do that." she says pointing her finger at Moe. "And you!" she says pointing over at Jrue. "Chill the fuck out!"

"Tobs!" sighs Amy standing up and moving Tobin away from Jrue. "Watch your language."

"But Amy you heard what-"

"Yes Tobin!" shouts Amy over her. "We all did! Okay?" Tobin takes a breath and steps back. "Sit down and relax, alright?"

Carli's POV

"Mommy?" I hear Julie quietly call to Hope.

"Yeah baby?" Hope ask back holding her closer.

"Jrue's scaring me." she whispers snuggling into Hope more. I put my hand on her shoulder making her look up.

"Why don't you take Jules to our room?" I suggest. "Maybe take Moe too?"

"Yeah alright." agrees Hope nodding. "Jay here." she hands her a room key. "Go ahead and I'll be there in a second." Julie looks up to me unsure so I nod encouragingly. I watch as she carefully maneuveres around Jrue and runs out the door. "Lauren?" asks Hope standing up. "Do you want me to take Moe to my room with Julie?"

"Yeah yeah," agrees Cheney. "Moe go with Hope so Momma can deal with Daddy." Lauren gently pushes Morgan off her lap. The two of them leave without anyone else in the room noticing probably. Tobin is still having it out with Jrue and A-rod is trying to calm them both down.

"Tobin shut up!" I say taking control. This is going no where. "All of you sit and close your mouths." The girls do immediately, but Jrue is more hesitant. I glare at him and he gives in. "I do not appreciate you scaring my kid." I say to him crossing my arms.

"See!? You didn't need to-" starts Tobin shouting.

"Heath!" I bark turning to her. She gulps and sinks down. "Close your mouth, or you're going to do sprints until you puke after the game tomorrow."

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