"I've actually never tried that before," I admitted without shame as I eyed the bottle with contempt. I could smell the distinct scent of the beverage even from a foot away with the cork on. It burned my nose.

Minho's eyebrows raised, then quickly returned to their normal position on his face. "I would say I'm surprised, but I'm really not." He swirled the liquid around the glass container and watched as it formed a whirlpool. "You've really never even had a sip?"

"Something about drinking alcohol near a raging fire has always been a big no-no for me." I shrugged indifferently. "Besides, that stuff smells gross enough to send the bugs away."

Minho laughed so that his eyes took on the shape of crescents and dimples carved into his cheeks. "That is true, I'll give you that. But really- it's not that bad. It just burns a little. Watch."

He swiftly uncorked the bottle and downed a huge gulp that made me cringe just looking at him. Instead of spitting it out like I would have, he simply swallowed and twisted his face in such a way that made him look like he had eaten something extremely sour. Now it was my turn to laugh as he spread his arms out as if to say "ta-da!"

"Your expression alone confirms my stance," I told him before taking another bite of my cookie.

Minho shrugged. "Suit yourself." He tossed the bottle onto the grass a few feet away, where it landed in a bed of tangled weeds. "Someone'll pick that up."

We stood in silence for a few moments, watching the other boys have a contest to see who could dance the worst. Garret was having trouble with not errupting into laughter as he struggled to continue the song on-key. Frypan had given up passing out cookies and instead viewed the contest with loud, obnoxious applause after each contestant had their go.

"Shall we join?" Minho questioned, holding his hand out to me in a mock invitation. It was getting harder and harder to see clearly with the sky now an inky black. The fire illuminated everyone in a musky orange glow.

I raised my eyebrows. "You're kidding." Minho's position didn't waver. "You're not kidding. Okay, well, how am I supposed to dance when I can barely walk?"

"I can help you," he replied in a 'duh' tone. "That's what I'm for, right? We can steal the show!"

I sighed, glancing at the others who were twirling around like ballerinas in the twilight. My hand subconciously patted against my brace.

"Fine, I'll do it," I finally agreed. "But only for a little."

I cautiously accepted his mock escort and we linked our elbows together. I limped along with him to the area where most of the Gladers were having their fun with the dancing contest. Many of them began a chorus of "ohhhh's" when they saw Minho and I approaching, probably due to the fact that Minho was known for his moves. Maybe.

"How is she going to dance?" A twelve-year-old kid named Peter asked above the others' voices. Most people turned and gave him a glare.

"Peter, shut your trap and don't make ignorant comments like that," Alby chastised with a shake of his fingers. Peter averted his brown eyes to the grass in shame.

Garret finished "Free" and began a new song- one that was much more upbeat and easier to dance to. I was certain that he decided to sing it just because of our little competition, because he even sat closer to see what was going on.

The Gladers formed a large ring around Minho and I. Their eyes on me made my heart pound until my eyes were almost crossed- I hated being the dead center of attention in large crowds like this, which was ironic considering my position of leadership. I wondered if that was something Minho could work on with me.

Aegis | The Maze Runner / Minho ✓Where stories live. Discover now