Back For You (Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)

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This is my first ever fan fiction so please comment below your input or advice!! I hope y'all like it! Especially all you Louis girls!!

I love you crazy mofos <3



Great. Another day of school. Big whoop. I'm soooo exited!! *note sarcasm. Well I guess I should introduce myself huh? Well I'm Annabelle Horan. You can call me Anna or Annie for short. Either is fine for me. And before you comment, yes. I am Niall Horan's sister. Infact. I'm his twin. Didn't see that one coming did you. Ya. Other than my family and my best friend Louise Thompson, no one knows. Not even the rest of One Direction. Crazy huh? Ya I thought the same thing. Niall hasn't grown any balls to tell anyone that he has a sister. Let alone twin. Yet he has the guts to tell everyone that he has a brother named Greg. I just don't get that boy.

If you haven't already noticed I'm the unwanted Horan. Mum wants me to be as successful and Famous as Niall and Greg. And apparently doing what I love to do is not what makes my mom mum wealthy. Which just happens to be working at a music shop and teaching singing and piano lessons to children. Ya. What a bitch right? Now I could go on and on about me but I won't. So deal with it. Like I said. I have school today and I just happened to be late. Once again.

*ding-dong (sorry not very good at doorbells. Hehe.)

"What do you want?! It's 6 in the morning you assholes!" I yelled and dragged my feet to the door, only to be met with the face of the one and only...


Hehehe I left you with a cliffhanger. Ooooooo. Who's at the door?? You will have to find out tomorrow. 😏

Xx Ash

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