Getting To Know You.

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Once morning came Emerald woke up and stretched. She hadn't had another nightmare for the rest on the time that she had been sleeping. She jumped out of bed and began to get dressed.

She was still haunted by the change in her nightmare and what The Darkness had said to her. It had called her a killer and claimed that she was a monster and that The Darkness was her.

Shaking the feeling aside she stepped out of her room and began heading to the console room where The Doctor was standing with his back turned to her as he was working at the console.

'Ah good morning Emmy, how did you sleep for the rest of the night?' He asked turning around to face her, a concerned look on his face.

'Fine thank you, no more trouble.' She said not making any eye contact, 'What are we doing today?'

'Well Amy and Rory wanted to go home for the day so it looks like it will be just me and you for the day.' He explained smiling, 'I've already dropped them off home before you got up.'

He turned around to face the time rotor again, he continued to push buttons and pull levers.

'So do you have any ideas where you would like to go?'

Emerald thought hard about it, 'I would like to go, I would like to see...' She muttered to herself. Then an idea popped into her head and a smirk spread across her features.

'I would like to go some where amazing!' She spoke moving up to stand next to him.

'Alright. Off to some where amazing!' He said pulling down the go lever. And then they were off.


The landing was a lot calmer the the first time she had been in the TARDIS. They both bounded over to the doors and opened them to look out onto an alien world.

It had a bright blue sky and crimson grass. The trees also had crimson leaves. Looking out a little further they could both see a crystal blue sea that stretched on for miles and miles.

'Wow.' Gasped Emerald, 'Where are we?'

The Doctor chuckled at her reaction. 'We're on the planet Castilian 5. Home of the clearest water. And has one of the best market places in the universe.'

She took in a sharp breath still dazed with amazement.

'So Emmy would you care to allow me to escort you to the market place?' He said with an eye brow raised as he offered her his arm.

Emerald smile and nodded at him. Taking his arm they began to walk towards a distant town.

They both knew that it would be a perfect time to get to know each other better.

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