Base goes boom.

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Emerald moved over to one of the many control panels and tried her best to seem busy. In reality she was trying to figure out what she could use to create a diversion and hope that Amy and Rory would be here to do something in time.

She then heard a whistle and she looked over to a hidden corner. There hid Amy and Rory who were signalling at her.

With a deep breath she got out the sonic screwdriver and said quietly, 'Here goes nothing.' She got ready to use it.

Taking a look around she saw one of the piles of junk. Pressing the button she pointed it towards the main pile in the middle of the room. Suddenly the buzz of the sonic filled the room. Sparks began to fly around the room. Pieces of old machinery hummed into life and began to move around the room.

'EMERAGENCY WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!!!' Both of the Daleks in the room screeched.

They started opening fire on everything and they also began to aim at her.

'CRAP! TIME TO GET MOVING!!!' She cried as she ducked down missing what would of been a killer shot.

She crawled along the floor until she got over to the Ponds who were wildly pressing buttons and began to set the place to blow.

'What about The Doctor he's up against two Daleks!?' She called over to them.

'Don't worry just give him a minute and he'll be here!' Rory replied.

Fire and smoke began to fill the room causing the three of them to choke. She began to feel faint and her vision started to get fuzzy.

'Hang in there.' Said Amy, 'Almost done.'

She heard another laser being fired some where and a loud yelp. Suddenly someone grabbed a hold of her hand.

'Come along Ponds and Emmy!' Said The Doctor.

The next thing Emerald knew she was half running and half being dragged through the dark tunnel. She could still hear the Daleks screaming.

Finally they had reached the entrance and clambered up the small drop.

'RUN!' The Doctor shouted as smoke started billowing out of the hole, but before any of them could even make it to the TARDIS a big explosion caught them all off guard. They all landed on the ground with a thump.

'Awhhh.' Emerald groaned, 'This is becoming a habit now.'

She looked up at the other three. Amy and Rory were beginning to sit up like she was. The Doctor however was lying face first on the ground still groaning.

'We did it.' Emerald breathed excitedly, almost laughing. 'Oh come on Tweedy up you get.' She said helping The Doctor to sit up.

Amy and Rory looked up at Emerald smiling. The Doctor was just frowning.

'Tweedy?' He questioned.

'Well it's like Emmy like it or not Tweedy it is.' She said back to him.

Amy and Rory chuckled.

'Come on you two lets get back to the TARDIS.' Amy said.

They all got up and wondered back to the TARDIS happily.

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