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It was happening again just like every night. The nightmare would come back to haunt me. It's always been the same dream over and over again, I stopped questioning it long ago. No-one could get rid of it, no-one could help me.

It always started the same way. There was always the scarred landscape covered in fire, except for a small circle I which I stood. Alone. Always hearing the dying screams of millions of people. I could do nothing but stand there watching and listening. And then the fire would suddenly get closer almost burning me. That would be when I suddenly jolt awake screaming.

But to night was different, altogether. There was the circle of fire and the screaming voices but there was someone standing in front of me. Hiding behind a think vail of smoke.

I gasped for air as the smoke began stabbing at my lungs and caused my eyes to water.

A menacing laugh sounded through the air above the screams.

Shaking I found my voice and began to speak, 'who-o are you, what do you want?'

Once again the laugh sounded as the figure began to step forwards into view.

'Oh Healer you know who I am.' It spoke in such a familiar voice, 'After all how can you not recognise yourself?'

Stepping into view there stood an exact copy of me, but it's eyes were black and hollow and sharp pointy teeth hidden behind its wicked grin.

I stood frozen to the spot looking at myself.

'What are you?' I felt the words slip out of my mouth ax my eyes couldn't leave the creature that looked back at me.

'Well if your the legendary Healer you can call me The Darkness.' It said stepping closer, 'Now why don't we cut to the chase. You know what I want from you, so give it to me. NOW!' It growled.

Stepping back I looked at her puzzled. 'What do you mean? I've never seen you before in all my life and why do you keep calling me The Healer? That's not my name.'

The other me rolled it's eyes.

'And yet you are so wrong. You are The Healer. After all it's from your darkness that I come from, you've just forgotten every thing. Such a shame, I prefer it when you were a killer.' The Darkness spoke, 'After all you are perfect for The Doctor you are made for each other.'

Suddenly my fear snapped into anger, 'What could you possibly know about him? He's a good man!' I yelled, 'And I'm not a killer, I haven't laid a finger on any body in my whole life!'

The Darkness grinned, 'You have and one day you'll remember. And when you do I will be more then happy to see your down fall!' It screamed as it lunged at me with sharp claws.

I suddenly jolted awake screaming, cold sweat trickled down my forehead and the front of my hair was plastered with it to my face.

'Emmy what's wrong?!' A voice spoke worryingly as a caring touched my shoulder.

Looking up I saw The Doctor sitting on the side of my bed and the figures of Amy and Rory standing in the door way.

'I'm... m fine.' I stuttered, 'Just had a nightmare, what are you all doing here?'

Rory stepped forwards and spoke, 'Me and Amy heard you screaming. So we came to check on you and we couldn't wake you up. We got The Doctor because we were worried.'

I looked at all three if them not knowing what to say. And then I looked down into my lap.

'No, I'm fine. I've always had nightmares. It's always the same one over and over again birthday time it was different.' I said, ' It's nothing though, thanks for caring but their not important. I'm sorry for waking you all.'

'No it's fine.' Amy said, 'And your sure that your okay, you can talk to us if you want to...'

'No, thank you. I'm used to it. If anything I'll probably forget all about it.'

Amy and Rory looked at one another before heading back to the door. 'Good night then.' Leaving the room which lift only me and The Doctor who didn't seem convinced.

'Doctor don't worry I'm fine now, I promise.'

A slight smile crept onto hid face, 'Okay if anything does bother you just come straight to me.' He said getting to his feet.

'Alright. I will do.'

He then left the room as I settled back down. I knew that he wasn't going to let it go and would now continually worry about me.

'Bloody nightmare.' I cursed under my breath before closing my eyes and going back to sleep, hopefully that monster wouldn't be coming back any time soon.

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